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On 1 September 2020, we took on the roles of co-editors-in-chief for BMJ Quality and Safety, and want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and our vision for the symbicort pills online journal. We represent two different continents, two different professions and two different sets of research expertise. What we have in common is a passion for conducting and publishing high-quality research and quality improvement work to benefit the quality and safety of patient care, as well symbicort pills online as encouraging others to do likewise.We assume leadership of the journal during a major worldwide crisis brought on by the anti inflammatory drugs symbicort, which has affected almost every aspect of society. Response to the symbicort is requiring engagement from every part of our health care systems—government policy, public health, ambulatory care, inpatient and long-term care, every type of healthcare worker, and of course patients and their care partners. Most journals, including ours, have seen a substantial symbicort pills online increase in manuscript submissions.

We have published several articles related to anti inflammatory drugs that address quality and safety issues central to the journal’s interests—including staffing levels, teamwork, how the symbicort has exposed weaknesses in healthcare systems, and how it may even stimulate efforts to address deficiencies in quality and safety.1–5We take note of the symbicort not only because of its significance but also because, like the symbicort, quality and safety problems are international issues that affect and require engagement from all parts of our healthcare systems and from all stakeholders. These stakeholders include patients and their care partners, every type of healthcare worker, organisational leaders, policy makers and, of course, researchers and quality improvement teams. Improving quality and safety also requires engagement from experts from other symbicort pills online disciplines and industries whose research and practice can inform our efforts to improve care.As new co-editors-in-chief, we find this comprehensive view of the stakeholders for quality and safety to be both necessary to improve care and intellectually stimulating. Of course, with so many stakeholders, there needs to be some additional focus, and we find that on BMJ Quality and Safety’s masthead6. €˜The journal integrates the academic and clinical aspects of quality and safety in healthcare by encouraging academics to create evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians, and clinicians to value using evidence and knowledge to improve quality’.We will continue to publish research and opinion that symbicort pills online creates ‘evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians’.

To accomplish this, we will maintain high methodological standards, along with collegial communications between the journal and authors. We will also build on the current interdisciplinary focus of the journal, both from within and outside the healthcare disciplines, and are considering special articles on new methods or ideas from other areas and how they can be adapted and used within the symbicort pills online healthcare setting. We recognise that a strength of the journal is its international focus, although the majority of published papers are currently from North America and the UK. We would like to encourage a wider range of international submissions that meet our high standards for methodological quality and relevance for an international readership. We would like to further increase our social media presence, building on the blogs and symbicort pills online Tweets already being led by our two social media editors.

We also want to maintain the journal’s current reputation for constructive peer review and timely publication, in which editors aim to provide personalised, specific and constructive feedback not just for papers for which revision is invited but also for those that are rejected.These are promising times for the journal. The previous co-editors-in-chief, Kaveh Shojania and Mary symbicort pills online Dixon-Woods, are handing over a journal with a stellar reputation for rigorous research, thoughtful and challenging commentary, and timely and constructive peer review. We therefore end with our thanks to Mary and Kaveh for their strong leadership and vision, together with an incredibly strong team of senior editors, associate editors and reviewers. We are sure that readers of BMJ Quality and Safety will echo our thanks.Patients entrust symbicort pills online their lives to healthcare providers. Healthcare providers, in turn, aim to promote wellness, heal what can be healed and relieve suffering, all with comfort and compassion.

Yet, when patients are harmed by their healthcare, too often they experience defensiveness and disregard that actually exacerbates their suffering, adding insult to injury.1 2 Communication and resolution programmes (CRP) can mitigate this further harm and avoid pouring salt on the wounds of patients whom the healthcare system has hurt instead of helped. These programmes strive to ensure that patients and families injured by medical care receive prompt attention, symbicort pills online honest and empathic explanations, sincere expressions of reconciliation including financial and non-financial restitution, and reassurance from efforts to prevent future harm to others.3 Decades of study and interest in CRPs seem to be resulting in increased implementation with the hope that supporting patients, families and caregivers after harm could become the norm rather than the exception.4Yet a central problem looms, and unless effective solutions are enacted, the potential of CRPs may go largely unrealised. The field is rife with inconsistent implementation, which often reflects a selective focus on claims resolution rather than a fully implemented (‘authentic’) CRP.5 Inconsistent CRP implementation means that fewer patients and families benefit from this model and opportunities for improving quality and safety are missed. Authentic CRPs, in contrast, are comprehensive, systematic and principled programmes motivated by fundamental symbicort pills online culture change which prioritises patient safety and learning. In an authentic CRP, honesty and transparency after patient harm are viewed as integral to the clinical mission, not as selective claims management devices.6 CRPs appear to improve patient and provider experiences, patient safety, and in many settings lower defence and liability costs in the short term and improve peer review and stimulate quality and safety over time.7–10 While the claims savings often associated with a CRP are welcome, authentic CRPs focus on a more ambitious goal.

Fostering an accountable culture. Nurturing accountability produces better and safer care which serves the overall clinical mission, happily accomplishing more durable claims reduction along the way.Two symbicort pills online thoughtful papers in this issue of BMJ Quality &. Safety highlight barriers to effective CRP implementation and offer important insights to aid in the spread of this critical model.11 12 Below we outline four suggested strategies for realising the vision of authentic CRPs.Strategy 1. Make CRPs a critical symbicort pills online organisational priority grounded in the clinical missionThe most important cause of inconsistent CRP implementation is the failure of institutional leaders, including boards and senior executives (‘C-suites’), to recognise them as a mission-critical component of modern healthcare. As a result, even at organisations professing to embrace accountability and transparency after patient harm, CRPs rarely receive overt leadership support or the resources and performance expectations associated with other mission-critical initiatives.13The reasons why CRPs have not been elevated to mission-critical status at healthcare organisations are complex.

Competing and distracting symbicort pills online clinical and financial priorities abound. But a central challenge that has hampered CRPs is the tendency of many C-suites to rely on their liability insurance, risk and legal partners to direct the response to injured patients. Neither the insurance industry nor the legal profession naturally shares the same values and mission as healthcare organisations.14 Healthcare leaders need to insist that responses to injured patients align with their organisations’ clinical missions. In the absence of such C-suite insistence, ‘deny and defend’ will remain the dominant response to injured patients.This C-suite deference to the claims expertise of the insurance industry and legal profession symbicort pills online has additional causes, including. (A) resignation that unintended adverse outcomes will happen even with reasonable care.

(B) acceptance of litigation as unavoidable and a symbicort pills online cost of doing business. (C) reluctance of chief executive officers/board members (who are not trial lawyers) to challenge worst-case scenarios painted by defence lawyers and insurance claims professionals. And (D) human nature that avoids confrontation and exaggerates symbicort pills online the potential challenges of dealing with injured patients. These factors inform the attitude of some health systems that no adverse events deserve compensation and that the caregivers/organisations are the real victims.While it is encouraging to see a few large liability insurers developing CRPs and even incentivising their adoption,15 more insurers are engaging with CRPs as passive observers, with others remaining actively opposed. Insurers and attorneys will align as CRP partners only when healthcare organisations identify CRPs as a mission-critical priority.Strategy 2.

Compel institutional leaders to recognise the critical importance of CRPsWhat would persuade boards and C-suites to prioritise symbicort pills online a CRP?. The study by Prentice et al suggests the answer lies in making institutional leaders recognise the necessity of CRPs through engagement with injured patients and their families.11Prentice and colleagues report the first truly population-based assessment of the impact of medical errors on patients. Their results highlight the continuing emotional toll that patients and their symbicort pills online families suffer from preventable injuries. On an encouraging note, they also document the potential that open and honest communication has for reducing emotional harm. While over half of the patients who reported experiencing medical errors 3–6 years ago described at least one emotional impact from the event, those who reported the greatest degree of open communication symbicort pills online with healthcare providers after an error were less likely to experience persisting sadness, depression or feelings of abandonment and betrayal.

Open and honest communication after an error also predicted less doctor/facility avoidance.When boards and C-suites acknowledge the additional emotional harm inflicted on injured patients and their families (not to mention staff) when a CRP is not used or is poorly implemented, the mission-critical nature of CRPs will become paramount.16 17 The emotions of patients and families who have been harmed can be complex, intense and intimidating.18 It has been all too easy for board members and senior executives to look away and avoid direct involvement when their organisations harm the very patients they exist to serve. Patients and their families, of course, cannot enjoy the luxury of looking away.19While boards are sometimes made aware of selected high-value harm events, these cases represent only the tip of the iceberg. Cases of patient harm that are less than catastrophic are rarely shared with boards, but represent a large reservoir of symbicort pills online patient and family suffering as well as opportunities for learning. Many patients who experience injuries hesitate to complain, fearing their ongoing care may be adversely affected.20 21 Patients who have experienced serious harm may have difficulty garnering representation from a qualified plaintiff attorney especially if their claim is deemed to be worth under $500 000. Boards aware only of a few high-value cases will fail to appreciate the magnitude of harm caused by substandard care and falsely believe that symbicort pills online their organisation is responding optimally to the few they know about.Engaging a patient as soon as possible after an unplanned clinical event is a CRP hallmark.

Listening, with the explicit goal of understanding the experiences of patients and families who have been harmed, is invaluable to any organisation striving for patient centricity and generates insights not available to ‘deny and defend’ adherents. Partnering with patients who have had unplanned clinical outcomes changes the way healthcare organisations value informed consent, transitions of care and communication in general. As patient engagement is normalised across organisations, boards and C-suites will readily recognise the importance to their clinical mission and the value of the return on symbicort pills online investment in the CRP model beyond financial gains. The accountable culture which emerges has the potential to generate other benefits unthinkable in a defensive environment. Improved staff morale with better staff retention, an open environment which values speaking up for safety, accelerated and more effective symbicort pills online clinical outcomes and evidence-based peer review, to name a few.Strategy 3.

Invest in CRP implementation tools and resourcesEquating CRPs to early claims resolution predictably yields inconsistent and selective application of the model and, worse, a failure to realise its full potential for cultural improvement.22 Even as boards and C-suites accept the mission-critical status of CRPs (the ‘why’), they may not appreciate the importance of the ‘how’. The second CRP-related paper in this issue of BMJ Quality and Safety emphasises how successful CRPs rely on the development of systems and symbicort pills online standard work to promote consistent application.12 Mello and colleagues describe the work of the Massachusetts Alliance for Communication and Resolution after Medical Injury (MACRMI) and articulate the most important elements of their success to date. Their findings reinforce other papers that emphasize the critical nature of having the right people, processes and systems in place.23One essential element of the MACRMI model is the commitment to a process of reviewing unplanned clinical outcomes eligible for a CRP approach. Normalising a triaged review and then faithfully using the CRP for all eligible cases, regardless of whether that case might become a claim, allows the CRP to meet patient, family and caregiver needs, as well as to drive process improvements faster on a much broader group of harm events. This systematic approach to case selection also demonstrates to clinical audiences that the CRP is not premised primarily on saving money, but is a norm expected within the clinical mission.The MACRMI experience symbicort pills online also highlights the importance of devoting sufficient resources to planning and executing a CRP.

Many organisations focus most of their CRP efforts around training different teams to enact key steps in the CRP process. While trainings symbicort pills online may be a necessary element, reproducible workflows and simple tools are far more important. With clear leadership support, these tools and processes must be developed with and by the people in the organisation who will actually use them, rather than imposing approaches that may have worked in another system that is organised differently. Organisations should understand that potential litigation is an ever-present reality symbicort pills online. Sometimes, despite the CRP’s principled assessment and engagement, reasonable minds may still differ, and in a small minority of cases litigation is required.

Because the motivation for CRPs is to instil the accountable culture required for continual clinical improvement, success cannot be contingent on erasing the threat of litigation altogether.Finally, a significant element of MACRMI’s success involved a shared learning community in which organisational leaders and key managers came together to discuss CRP cases supported by unfiltered patient experiences, clinical and patient safety findings and measures of implementation. The community acquired a moral authority symbicort pills online which encouraged accountability, consistent application of CRP principles, and ultimately demonstrated broad results of the favourable impact on patients, providers, system learning and liability costs.Strategy 4. Deploy CRP metrics to govern CRP and track progressMetrics matter. Organisations measure what they deem important.5 At present it is rare that organisations know how many unintended clinical events occurred in the previous year, how many of the affected patients and families were treated with honesty and transparency, how many of those deemed worthy of compensation actually received it, how many of the symbicort pills online affected providers received care, or how many of those cases resulted in clinical improvements. The absence of these data makes it nearly impossible to assign appropriate leadership accountabilities for CRPs and to understand how well a CRP is functioning in service to the organisational mission.

Measuring mainly claims and costs symbicort pills online signals a preoccupation with money, not continual clinical improvement, and certainly not patient centricity or care for the caregiver workforce. A comprehensive suite of national CRP measures is currently being developed and refined jointly by the Collaborative for Accountability and Improvement and Ariadne Labs, and should be ready for widespread dissemination by the end of this year.ClosingHealthcare organisations exist to serve with compassion and clinical excellence the patients and their families who entrust them with their lives. Our society expects no less. The privilege of delivering healthcare, a practice that is intrinsically dangerous, carries symbicort pills online a heavy responsibility to minimise the risk of harm. When patients are harmed, CRPs honour patients’ trust and caregivers’ selfless dedication with honesty, transparency, best efforts at reconciliation for all and relentless determination to improve.

One thing is clear symbicort pills online. Shedding ‘deny and defend’ in favour of a transition to an authentic CRP undoubtedly requires leadership from boards and C-suites focused on their organisations’ clinical mission. If healthcare organisations are sincere in striving to attain their clinical goals, they will insist on nothing less than elevating their CRPs to mission-critical status and using the requisite tools and resources to ensure consistent application of this model.AcknowledgmentsMany thanks to Gary S Kaplan, MD, for contributing to the concepts presented in this paper, and to Paulina H Osinska, MPH, for her assistance with manuscript preparation..

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Rebecca Teng, MDAustin Obstetrician and GynecologistMember, Texas Medical Association Committee on Reproductive, Women’s and Perinatal HealthWhile traditional obstetric care how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost often focuses on the time of a woman’s pregnancy through the time of the delivery of the baby, there is a growing recognition about the need for more attention to the time after she delivers. During this postpartum period – increasingly referred to as the fourth trimester – a new mother will need medical care, and she needs health insurance to help her obtain that care. Medicaid, which covers how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost 53% of all Texas births, should cover women not only throughout their pregnancies but also for a full year after they give birth.

During the pregnancy, women see the physician more frequently than at any other time of a typical healthy person’s life. Visits ramp up near the end of pregnancy, as physicians who provide obstetrical care and their medical teams are looking for any condition that may affect the mother or an infant and might change their recommendation about the baby’s delivery. After delivery, the postpartum how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost period is a time of potential vulnerability for the new mother.

As every parent knows, the arrival of a newborn, no matter how loved, means many sleepless nights, new stress, and relationship challenges. But this period is especially dangerous for those who might have unstable insurance coverage or who are uninsured. Even before how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost the symbicort, one-quarter of Texas women of reproductive age lacked health insurance.

Without coverage, women are less likely to access primary, specialty, and preventive care services to be healthy, increasing the risk of preventable issues and tragedies.Following childbirth, postpartum women need ongoing treatment for any underlying chronic health conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, or to treat complications that might arise in the following year, some of which are life-threatening if untreated. These complications include severe postpartum depression and heart disease. In addition, healthy how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost pregnancies do not begin at conception, but well before.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, an obstetrician-gynecologist or family physician caring for her cannot undo cumulative years of poor health stemming from little or no care prior to getting pregnant. For example, if a woman has had uncontrolled diabetes, this can increase the risk of birth defects in the infant and the risk of complications. One example is shoulder dystocia (a condition when one or both how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost of a baby’s shoulders get caught inside the mother’s pelvis during labor).

Another is a potentially greater need for the mother to have a cesarean delivery (commonly known as a C-section, surgically delivering the baby). Also, if deliveries are less than 18 months apart, there can be a higher risk of preterm labor, growth issues, and placental issues. According to Texas’s own how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost expert panel, women’s lack of access to regular, preventive primary and specialty care before and after pregnancy contributes to Texas’ high rate of maternal deaths.

Nearly one-third of new mothers’ deaths occur 60 days or more postpartum – the same time many low-income women lose their pregnancy-related Medicaid coverage. Among Black women, the numbers are far worse. Black women account for 31% of maternal how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost deaths but only 11% of births.

As tragic as maternal deaths are, they are only one part of the story. For every woman who dies in conjunction with having a baby, 50 to 100 women suffer a severe illness or complication, often with lasting consequences. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, nearly seven how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost in 10 women report at least one physical problem in the first year after delivery, and one in nine women may experience symptoms of postpartum depression.

Extending women’s Medicaid coverage for a full year after they have their baby would prolong their care to help address and resolve these complications.Fortunately, the Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program – and the new Healthy Texas Women Plus program – help fill the coverage gap by providing low-income women preventive and basic primary care before and after pregnancy as well as some specialty services for the 12 months following delivery. HTW Plus, launched in September 2020, builds on HTW by providing one year of limited specialty care coverage for the three conditions and illnesses most likely to contribute to maternal mortality or morbidity. Postpartum depression, which one in eight women how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost develop.

Cardiovascular and other coronary conditions. And substance abuse disorders. However, these programs do not provide comprehensive coverage like Medicaid does, meaning women with complex medical needs will not have coverage for all the services how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost they need.

Comprehensive coverage matters. Women who live in states with prolonged coverage are more likely to have ongoing access to health care before, during, and after pregnancy, and they are more likely to get postpartum treatment when they suffer severe complications. They also are how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost less likely to die after having their baby.

Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage would give eligible women health insurance longer, allowing them to continue treatment for any known health conditions. Women also could obtain treatment for any other conditions that may develop, such as diabetes or cancer. Protecting continuity how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost of care also would allow women to have one fewer transition in the tumultuous time of the first year after delivery and bolster their ability to have the continued support of their medical team.

Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage for a year would align mothers’ care with that of their infants, who have guaranteed Medicaid coverage for the first year of their lives. This improvement might also decrease the likelihood the mother would need to seek emergency care (and face that how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost extra expense) as women probably could be cared for in outpatient offices and clinics rather than having to rush to the hospital with an emergency.It is for these reasons that the Texas Medical Association supports enactment of comprehensive health care coverage initiatives, including extending full Medicaid coverage for 12 months to postpartum women who otherwise lose coverage 60 days postpartum, as well as extending comprehensive coverage to low-income, uninsured, working-age adults.* Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage has wide support among many physicians, medical societies, and hospitals, including the Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists District XI (Texas), Texas Academy of Family Physicians, and Texas Hospital Association, along with numerous national societies. There also is bipartisan congressional support.

By extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to a full year, we can better support the health of Texan mothers, infants, and families. *As a result of federal public health emergency (PHE) anti inflammatory drugs legislation, states must maintain Medicaid coverage for anyone enrolled in Medicaid on or how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost after March 18, 2020, including postpartum women. This temporary coverage extension is currently set to expire in June 2021, but will renew with every extension of the PHE.Shao-Chee SimEpiscopal Health FoundationDuring the anti inflammatory drugs symbicort, a time when our personal and community health should take center stage, Texans have been skipping or delaying medical care.

That’s according to the Episcopal Health Foundation’s (EHF’s) Texas anti inflammatory drugs Survey report released late last year. This finding is significant because delay or avoidance of medical care might increase Texans’ risk of serious illness or death how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost due to preventable or treatable health conditions.This EHF study from August-September 2020 backs the results of two earlier national reports. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Health Tracking Poll in May 2020 found that close to half of adults said they or someone in their household postponed or skipped medical care due to the symbicort.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 41% of Americans delayed or avoided seeking medical care as of June. Both reports documented the impact of the symbicort on Americans’ how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost seeking of medical care early in the symbicort. The EHF survey is the first-ever statewide survey to capture anti inflammatory drugs’s influence on Texans’ medical care-seeking behavior (See the EHF report’s methodology.) What does the EHF anti inflammatory drugs Survey find?.

More than one-third of Texans (36%) say they or someone in their household have skipped or postponed some type of medical treatment because of anti inflammatory drugs. One-third of Texans skipped or postponed preventive care how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost like wellness visits, cancer screenings, blood pressure and cholesterol tests, drugs/alcohol counseling, and treatments. A small percentage also sidestepped diagnostic care like tests, office visits, and procedures needed to diagnose or monitor a disease.

Make no mistake, 36% is a big percentage of people not going to the doctor when they should. The survey also revealed other how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost troubling patterns. Almost three-quarters of respondents skipped or postponed both regular check-ups and dental check-ups as part of their preventive care.

Nearly one-third (30%) put off preventive screenings and immunizations for their child. Nearly the same amount of people (28%) missed or put off seeing their physician for chronic, ongoing conditions how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost. While the survey shows smaller groups of Texans are neglecting more serious medical procedures like surgery (17%) and cancer treatment (4%), delaying care for chronic conditions can be dangerous.

Do race/ethnicity, household income, and educational level matter in explaining Texans’ medical care-seeking behavior during the symbicort?. Yes, apparently how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost people of different incomes and race/ethnicity adopted different habits about seeking health care during the symbicort. For example, Hispanic Texans were more likely to say they skipped or postponed cancer treatments than white Texans (9% vs.

3%). (The number of responses from Black Texans was how much does symbicort 160mcg 4.5mcg cost too small to ensure statistical accuracy.) EHF also found that households with annual income less than $75,000 are more likely to skip or delay doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure than households with higher income (34% vs. 21%).

Texans with less than a college degree are more likely to skip or postpone doctor visits for chronic conditions than their counterparts with a college degree or more (34% vs. 17%). (See Tables One, Two, and Three for details.)So what does this tell us about the health of Texans?.

As the symbicort continues, it is disconcerting that six months after the symbicort started, more than one-third of Texans were still skipping or delaying medical care, and 70% of those who skipped medical care were putting off their medical and dental check-ups or exams. Some ethnic minorities have been more likely to skip or postpone cancer treatments, and Texans with fewer resources and less education are more likely to delay doctor visits for their chronic conditions. We already knew that avoiding preventive care and delaying addressing health issues might lead to bigger, more serious health problems in the future.

That is why it is important to conduct further research to better understand the underlying reasons why Texans have been avoiding medical care and to study whether and in what ways telehealth/telemedicine can address these medical care needs. The symbicort has caused tremendous disruptions in our society. Knowing the enormous health, economic, and social costs of continuing to defer medical care, the survey findings serve as an important reminder for policymakers, regulators, medical professionals, and public health communities to develop policies and programs that encourage Texans to seek appropriate and timely medical care.

If Texans prioritize our general health needs as we fight to avoid anti inflammatory drugs (by socially distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently), we not only boost the overall health of our community but also we avoid suffering other health problems as the number of anti inflammatory drugs cases in the state continues to increase.Table One. Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Race/Ethnicity Total White Hispanic Black Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 66% 70% 77% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 68% 73% 65% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 41% 37% 31% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions 28% 29% 29% 25% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 37% 44% 43% Reproductive health care visits 20% 18% 23% 15% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 23% 30% 28% Mental health care 19% 22% 17% 12% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 14% 21% 16% Surgery 17% 16% 18% 11% Cancer treatments* 4% 3% 9% 1% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Hispanic Texans and White Texans at p<.05Table Two. Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Household Income Total Under $75K $75K + Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 71% 70% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 69% 71% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 37% 39% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions* 28% 34% 21% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 43% 38% Reproductive health care visits 20% 33% 29% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 26% 16% Mental health care 19% 19% 15% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 18% 15% Surgery 17% 19% 16% Cancer treatments 4% 5% 4% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Households with income less than $75K and households with income more than $75K at p<.05.Table Three.

Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Educational Level Total Less than college College+ Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 68% 73% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 68% 72% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 36% 42% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions* 28% 34% 17% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 43% 33% Reproductive health care visits 20% 18% 25% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 31% 29% Mental health care 19% 17% 23% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 19% 14% Surgery 17% 18% 16% Cancer treatments 4% 6% 2% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Texans with less than a college degree and Texans with a college degree at p<.05..

Rebecca Teng, MDAustin Obstetrician and GynecologistMember, Texas Medical Association Committee on Reproductive, Women’s and Perinatal HealthWhile traditional obstetric care often focuses on the time of symbicort pills online a woman’s pregnancy through the time of the delivery of the baby, there is a growing recognition about the need for more attention to the time after she delivers. During this postpartum period – increasingly referred to as the fourth trimester – a new mother will need medical care, and she needs health insurance to help her obtain that care. Medicaid, which covers 53% of all Texas births, should cover women not only throughout their pregnancies but also for a full symbicort pills online year after they give birth. During the pregnancy, women see the physician more frequently than at any other time of a typical healthy person’s life.

Visits ramp up near the end of pregnancy, as physicians who provide obstetrical care and their medical teams are looking for any condition that may affect the mother or an infant and might change their recommendation about the baby’s delivery. After delivery, the postpartum period is a time of potential vulnerability symbicort pills online for the new mother. As every parent knows, the arrival of a newborn, no matter how loved, means many sleepless nights, new stress, and relationship challenges. But this period is especially dangerous for those who might have unstable insurance coverage or who are uninsured.

Even before the symbicort, one-quarter of Texas women of reproductive age lacked symbicort pills online health insurance. Without coverage, women are less likely to access primary, specialty, and preventive care services to be healthy, increasing the risk of preventable issues and tragedies.Following childbirth, postpartum women need ongoing treatment for any underlying chronic health conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, or to treat complications that might arise in the following year, some of which are life-threatening if untreated. These complications include severe postpartum depression and heart disease. In addition, symbicort pills online healthy pregnancies do not begin at conception, but well before.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, an obstetrician-gynecologist or family physician caring for her cannot undo cumulative years of poor health stemming from little or no care prior to getting pregnant. For example, if a woman has had uncontrolled diabetes, this can increase the risk of birth defects in the infant and the risk of complications. One example is shoulder dystocia (a condition when one symbicort pills online or both of a baby’s shoulders get caught inside the mother’s pelvis during labor). Another is a potentially greater need for the mother to have a cesarean delivery (commonly known as a C-section, surgically delivering the baby).

Also, if deliveries are less than 18 months apart, there can be a higher risk of preterm labor, growth issues, and placental issues. According to symbicort pills online Texas’s own expert panel, women’s lack of access to regular, preventive primary and specialty care before and after pregnancy contributes to Texas’ high rate of maternal deaths. Nearly one-third of new mothers’ deaths occur 60 days or more postpartum – the same time many low-income women lose their pregnancy-related Medicaid coverage. Among Black women, the numbers are far worse.

Black women account for 31% of symbicort pills online maternal deaths but only 11% of births. As tragic as maternal deaths are, they are only one part of the story. For every woman who dies in conjunction with having a baby, 50 to 100 women suffer a severe illness or complication, often with lasting consequences. According to symbicort pills online the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, nearly seven in 10 women report at least one physical problem in the first year after delivery, and one in nine women may experience symptoms of postpartum depression.

Extending women’s Medicaid coverage for a full year after they have their baby would prolong their care to help address and resolve these complications.Fortunately, the Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program – and the new Healthy Texas Women Plus program – help fill the coverage gap by providing low-income women preventive and basic primary care before and after pregnancy as well as some specialty services for the 12 months following delivery. HTW Plus, launched in September 2020, builds on HTW by providing one year of limited specialty care coverage for the three conditions and illnesses most likely to contribute to maternal mortality or morbidity. Postpartum depression, which one in symbicort pills online eight women develop. Cardiovascular and other coronary conditions.

And substance abuse disorders. However, these programs do not provide comprehensive coverage like Medicaid does, meaning women with complex medical symbicort pills online needs will not have coverage for all the services they need. Comprehensive coverage matters. Women who live in states with prolonged coverage are more likely to have ongoing access to health care before, during, and after pregnancy, and they are more likely to get postpartum treatment when they suffer severe complications.

They also are less likely to die after having symbicort pills online their baby. Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage would give eligible women health insurance longer, allowing them to continue treatment for any known health conditions. Women also could obtain treatment for any other conditions that may develop, such as diabetes or cancer. Protecting continuity of care also would allow women to have one fewer transition in the tumultuous time of the first year symbicort pills online after delivery and bolster their ability to have the continued support of their medical team.

Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage for a year would align mothers’ care with that of their infants, who have guaranteed Medicaid coverage for the first year of their lives. This improvement might also decrease the likelihood the mother would need to seek emergency care (and face that extra expense) as women probably could symbicort pills online be cared for in outpatient offices and clinics rather than having to rush to the hospital with an emergency.It is for these reasons that the Texas Medical Association supports enactment of comprehensive health care coverage initiatives, including extending full Medicaid coverage for 12 months to postpartum women who otherwise lose coverage 60 days postpartum, as well as extending comprehensive coverage to low-income, uninsured, working-age adults.* Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage has wide support among many physicians, medical societies, and hospitals, including the Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists District XI (Texas), Texas Academy of Family Physicians, and Texas Hospital Association, along with numerous national societies. There also symbicort price at canadian pharmacy is bipartisan congressional support. By extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to a full year, we can better support the health of Texan mothers, infants, and families.

*As a result of federal public health emergency (PHE) anti inflammatory drugs legislation, states symbicort pills online must maintain Medicaid coverage for anyone enrolled in Medicaid on or after March 18, 2020, including postpartum women. This temporary coverage extension is currently set to expire in June 2021, but will renew with every extension of the PHE.Shao-Chee SimEpiscopal Health FoundationDuring the anti inflammatory drugs symbicort, a time when our personal and community health should take center stage, Texans have been skipping or delaying medical care. That’s according to the Episcopal Health Foundation’s (EHF’s) Texas anti inflammatory drugs Survey report released late last year. This finding symbicort pills online is significant because delay or avoidance of medical care might increase Texans’ risk of serious illness or death due to preventable or treatable health conditions.This EHF study from August-September 2020 backs the results of two earlier national reports.

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Health Tracking Poll in May 2020 found that close to half of adults said they or someone in their household postponed or skipped medical care due to the symbicort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 41% of Americans delayed or avoided seeking medical care as of June. Both reports documented the symbicort pills online impact of the symbicort on Americans’ seeking of medical care early in the symbicort. The EHF survey is the first-ever statewide survey to capture anti inflammatory drugs’s influence on Texans’ medical care-seeking behavior (See the EHF report’s methodology.) What does the EHF anti inflammatory drugs Survey find?.

More than one-third of Texans (36%) say they or someone in their household have skipped or postponed some type of medical treatment because of anti inflammatory drugs. One-third of Texans skipped or postponed symbicort pills online preventive care like wellness visits, cancer screenings, blood pressure and cholesterol tests, drugs/alcohol counseling, and treatments. A small percentage also sidestepped diagnostic care like tests, office visits, and procedures needed to diagnose or monitor a disease. Make no mistake, 36% is a big percentage of people not going to the doctor when they should.

The survey symbicort pills online also revealed other troubling patterns. Almost three-quarters of respondents skipped or postponed both regular check-ups and dental check-ups as part of their preventive care. Nearly one-third (30%) put off preventive screenings and immunizations for their child. Nearly the same amount of people (28%) missed or put off seeing their physician for chronic, symbicort pills online ongoing conditions.

While the survey shows smaller groups of Texans are neglecting more serious medical procedures like surgery (17%) and cancer treatment (4%), delaying care for chronic conditions can be dangerous. Do race/ethnicity, household income, and educational level matter in explaining Texans’ medical care-seeking behavior during the symbicort?. Yes, apparently symbicort pills online people of different incomes and race/ethnicity adopted different habits about seeking health care during the symbicort. For example, Hispanic Texans were more likely to say they skipped or postponed cancer treatments than white Texans (9% vs.

3%). (The number of responses from Black Texans was too small to ensure statistical accuracy.) EHF also found that households with annual income less symbicort pills online than $75,000 are more likely to skip or delay doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure than households with higher income (34% vs. 21%). Texans with less than a college degree are more likely to skip or postpone doctor visits for chronic conditions than their counterparts with a college degree or more (34% vs.

17%). (See Tables One, Two, and Three for details.)So what does this tell us about the health of Texans?. As the symbicort continues, it is disconcerting that six months after the symbicort started, more than one-third of Texans were still skipping or delaying medical care, and 70% of those who skipped medical care were putting off their medical and dental check-ups or exams. Some ethnic minorities have been more likely to skip or postpone cancer treatments, and Texans with fewer resources and less education are more likely to delay doctor visits for their chronic conditions.

We already knew that avoiding preventive care and delaying addressing health issues might lead to bigger, more serious health problems in the future. That is why it is important to conduct further research to better understand the underlying reasons why Texans have been avoiding medical care and to study whether and in what ways telehealth/telemedicine can address these medical care needs. The symbicort has caused tremendous disruptions in our society. Knowing the enormous health, economic, and social costs of continuing to defer medical care, the survey findings serve as an important reminder for policymakers, regulators, medical professionals, and public health communities to develop policies and programs that encourage Texans to seek appropriate and timely medical care.

If Texans prioritize our general health needs as we fight to avoid anti inflammatory drugs (by socially distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently), we not only boost the overall health of our community but also we avoid suffering other health problems as the number of anti inflammatory drugs cases in the state continues to increase.Table One. Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Race/Ethnicity Total White Hispanic Black Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 66% 70% 77% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 68% 73% 65% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 41% 37% 31% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions 28% 29% 29% 25% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 37% 44% 43% Reproductive health care visits 20% 18% 23% 15% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 23% 30% 28% Mental health care 19% 22% 17% 12% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 14% 21% 16% Surgery 17% 16% 18% 11% Cancer treatments* 4% 3% 9% 1% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Hispanic Texans and White Texans at p<.05Table Two. Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Household Income Total Under $75K $75K + Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 71% 70% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 69% 71% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 37% 39% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions* 28% 34% 21% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 43% 38% Reproductive health care visits 20% 33% 29% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 26% 16% Mental health care 19% 19% 15% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 18% 15% Surgery 17% 19% 16% Cancer treatments 4% 5% 4% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Households with income less than $75K and households with income more than $75K at p<.05.Table Three. Type of Medical Care Skipped or Delayed by Texans Due to anti inflammatory drugs by Educational Level Total Less than college College+ Skipped or postponed regular check-ups of exams 69% 68% 73% Skipped or postponed dental check-ups of exams 70% 68% 72% Preventative screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, or other screenings 38% 36% 42% Doctor visits for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood conditions* 28% 34% 17% Doctor visits for symptoms you were experiencing 39% 43% 33% Reproductive health care visits 20% 18% 25% Immunizations for your child or other child wellness visits 30% 31% 29% Mental health care 19% 17% 23% Physical therapy or rehabilitation care 17% 19% 14% Surgery 17% 18% 16% Cancer treatments 4% 6% 2% *Denotes statistically significant difference between Texans with less than a college degree and Texans with a college degree at p<.05..

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Trees that were poisoned and killed by saltwater are emitting greenhouses gases known as “tree farts,” prompting researchers to warn of a secret does symbicort reduce phlegm warming source that could become worse as rising seas encroach on forests Drowned trees in what scientists call “ghost forests” increased the amount of carbon dioxide released by these ecosystems by about 25%, according to a study published last week in Biogeochemistry. Melinda Martinez, lead author and graduate student at North Carolina State University, said the emissions they measured from dead pine and bald cypress trees, also called snags, in five ghost forests on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula in North Carolina need does symbicort reduce phlegm to be accounted for. €œEven though these standing dead trees are not emitting as much as the soils, they’re still emitting something,” she said.

€œEven the smallest fart counts.” The study reported that carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from the trees “contribute significantly” to total emissions. Martinez said the greenhouse gases from snags are important to monitor because ghost does symbicort reduce phlegm forests are spreading along U.S. Coasts. Ghost forests span across the southern U.S.

Coastline from does symbicort reduce phlegm Louisiana to Maryland. They’re named for their ghostly scenery — pale trunks devoid of leaves or any telltale sign of life. Although most ghost forests are created by rising sea levels, salty water can also infiate forests through canals and ditches used for agricultural purposes. The effects of mass tree deaths does symbicort reduce phlegm on plant and wildlife can be dramatic.

A study published earlier this year in Ecological Applications found that more salt-tolerant shrubs and grasses moved into North Carolina’s ghost forests. That caused a major shift in wildlife and threatened endangered wolf and woodpecker species. Before conducting the new study, does symbicort reduce phlegm Martinez said some researchers thought the dead trees were acting as straws to suck up greenhouses gases from the soil. When the tree dies, remaining water is flushed out of the leaves, which they thought would allow greenhouse gases to diffuse up the tree.

But their research showed that higher tree stems hold less greenhouse gases than they thought. She added that they are still unsure how greenhouse does symbicort reduce phlegm gas emissions differ between tree species and how to advise land managers on mitigation efforts. Some researchers have suggested implementing “living shorelines” made from plants and rocks to buffer saltwater surges. €œIt’s a hard question to answer because snags can become a new habitat for other animals,” Martinez said.

€œWe’re hoping to get a better idea of how greenhouse gases change as the trees are does symbicort reduce phlegm dying and also get better estimates of live tree stem emissions.” Reprinted from E&E News with permission from POLITICO, LLC. Copyright 2021. E&E News provides essential news for energy and environment professionals.The first gender affirmation surgeries took place in 1920s, at a facility which employed transgender technicians and nurses, and which was headed by a gay Jewish man. The forgotten history of the institute, and its fall to Nazis bent on the euthanasia of does symbicort reduce phlegm homosexuals and transgender people, offers us both hope—and a cautionary tale—in the face of oppressive anti-trans legislation in the United States.

This story begins late one night in Berlin, on the cusp of the 20th century. Magnus Hirschfeld, a young does symbicort reduce phlegm doctor recently finished with his military service, found a German soldier on his doorstep. Distraught and agitated, the young man had come to confess himself an urning, a word used in Germany to refer to homosexual men. It explained the cover of darkness.

To speak of such things was does symbicort reduce phlegm dangerous business. The infamous “Paragraph 175” in the German criminal code made homosexuality illegal. A man so accused could be stripped of his ranks and titles and imprisoned. Hirschfeld understood does symbicort reduce phlegm the soldier’s plight.

He was, himself, both homosexual and Jewish. He had toured Europe, watched the unfolding trial against Oscar Wilde, and written an anonymous pamphlet asking why “the married man who seduces the governess” remains free, while homosexual men in loving and consensual relationships—men like Oscar Wilde—were imprisoned. Hirschfeld did his best to comfort the man, but upon leaving his doctor, the soldier shot does symbicort reduce phlegm himself. It was the eve of his wedding, an event he could not face.

The soldier bequeathed his private papers to Hirschfeld, along with a letter. €œthe thought that you could contribute to [a future] when the German fatherland will think of us in more just terms,” he wrote, “sweetens the hour of death.” Hirschfeld would be forever does symbicort reduce phlegm haunted by this needless loss. The soldier had called himself a “curse,” fit only to die, because the expectations of heterosexual norms, reinforced by marriage and law, made no room for his kind. These heartbreaking stories, Hirschfeld wrote, “bring before us the whole tragedy [in Germany].

What fatherland did they have, and for what freedom does symbicort reduce phlegm were they fighting?. € In the aftermath of this lonely death, Hirschfeld left his practice to specialize in sexual health, and began a crusade for justice that would alter the course of queer history. Hirschfeld called his specialty “sexual intermediaries.” Included beneath this umbrella were what he considered “situational” and “constitutional” homosexuals—a recognition that there is often a spectrum and bisexual practice—as well as what he termed “transvestites.” This group did include those who wished to wear the clothes of the opposite sex, but also those who “from the point of view of their character,” should be considered as the opposite sex. One soldier with whom Hirschfeld had worked described wearing women’s clothing as the chance “to be a human at least for a moment.” He likewise recognized that these people could be either homosexual or heterosexual, something that is still misunderstood about transgender people does symbicort reduce phlegm today.

Perhaps even more surprising was Hirschfeld’s inclusion of those with no fixed gender at all, akin to today’s concept of gender fluid or nonbinary identity (he counted French novelist George Sand among them). Most importantly for Hirschfeld, these men and women were acting “in accordance with their nature,” not against it. If this seems like extremely forward thinking for the time, it does symbicort reduce phlegm was—possibly more forward thinking than our own. Current anti-trans sentiments center on the idea that transgender is both unnatural and new.

In the does symbicort reduce phlegm wake of a U.K. Court decision limiting trans rights, an editorial in the Economist argued that other countries should follow suit, and an editorial in the Observer praised the court for resisting a “disturbing trend” of children receiving medical treatments as part of a gender transition. But history bears witness to the plurality of gender and sexuality. Hirschfeld considered Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare does symbicort reduce phlegm to be sexual intermediaries.

He considered himself (and his partner Karl Geise) to be the same. Hirschfeld’s own predecessor, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, had claimed in the 19th century that homosexuality was natural sexual variation—and Hirschfeld believed that a person was congenitally born that way. This was no trend or fad, but a recognition that people may be born with a nature contrary to their does symbicort reduce phlegm assigned gender. And, in cases where the desire to live as the opposite sex was strong, Hirschfeld thought science ought to provide a means of transition.

He purchased a Berlin villa in early 1919 and opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Research) on July 6. By 1930 it would perform the first modern gender affirmation surgeries does symbicort reduce phlegm in the world. A PLACE OF SAFETY A corner building with wings to either side, the institute was an architectural gem that blurred the line between professional and intimate living spaces. A journalist reported it could not “be a hospital,” for it was furnished, plush, and “full of life everywhere.” It’s stated purpose.

To be a place of “research, teaching, healing, and refuge” that could “free the individual from physical ailments, psychological afflictions, and social deprivation.” Hirschfeld’s institute would does symbicort reduce phlegm also be a place of education. While in medical school, he’d experienced the trauma of watching as a gay man was paraded naked before the class, to be verbally abused as degenerate. At his institute, Hirschfeld would instead provide sex education and health clinics, advice on contraception, and research on gender and sexuality, both anthropological and psychological. He worked tirelessly to try and overturn Paragraph 175, managed to get legally accepted “transvestite” identity cards for his patients, and worked to normalize and legitimize homosexual and transitioning individuals does symbicort reduce phlegm.

The grounds also included room for offices given over to feminist activists, as well as a printing house for sex reform journals meant to dispel myths about sexuality. €œLove,” Hirschfeld said, “is as varied as people are.” The institute would ultimately house an immense library on sexuality, gathered over many years and including rare books and diagrams and protocols for male-to-female (MTF) surgical transition. In addition to psychiatrists for therapy, he had had hired Ludwig Levy-Lenz, a gynecologist, does symbicort reduce phlegm and surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt. Together, they performed male-to-female surgery called genitalumwandlung—literally, “transformation of genitals.” This occurred in stages.

Castration, penectomy and vaginoplasty. (The Institute does symbicort reduce phlegm only treated men at this time. Female-to-male phalloplasty would not be practiced until 1949 by plastic surgeon Sir Harold Gillies). Importantly, patients would also be prescribed hormone therapy, allowing them to grow natural breasts and softer features.” Their groundbreaking studies, meticulously documented, drew international attention—and international patients, as well.

Rights and does symbicort reduce phlegm recognition did not immediately follow, however. After surgery, some transwomen had difficulty getting work to support themselves, and as a result, five became nurses at the institute itself. In this way, Hirschfeld sought to provide a safe space for those whose altered does symbicort reduce phlegm bodies differed from the gender they were assigned at birth—including, at times, protection from the law. LIVES WORTH LIVING That such an institute existed as early as 1919, recognizing the plurality of gender identity and offering support, even through affirming surgery, comes as a surprise to many.

It should have been the bedrock on which to build a bolder future. But as the institute celebrated its first decade, does symbicort reduce phlegm the Nazi party was already on the rise. By 1932, it was the largest political party in Germany, holding more parliamentary seats, and growing its numbers through a nationalism that targeted the immigrant, the disabled, the “genetically unfit.” Weakened by economic crisis and without a majority, the Weimer Republic would collapse. Hitler was named chancellor on January 30, 1933 and would enact policies to rid Germany of lebensunwertes Leben.

That is, “lives does symbicort reduce phlegm unworthy of living.” What began as a sterilization program ultimately led to the extermination of millions of Jews, “Gypsies,” Soviet and Polish citizens—and homosexuals and transgender people. The Nazis came for the Institute on May 10, 1933. Hirschfeld was out of the country. Karl Geise does symbicort reduce phlegm fled with what he could carry.

Everything else would perish by fire. The carnage would flicker over German newsreels, the first (but by no means last) of the Nazi book burnings. Troops swarmed the building, carrying off a bronze does symbicort reduce phlegm bust of Hirschfeld and all of his precious books. Nazi youth, women, and soldiers took part, the footage and its voiceover declaring the German state had committed “the intellectual garbage of the past” to the flames.

Soon, a tower-like bonfire engulfed more than 20,000 books, some of them rare copies that helped to provide a historiography for nonconforming peoples. They could does symbicort reduce phlegm never be replaced. The Nazis also stole lists of clients, adding the names to “pink lists” from which to poach homosexuals for concentration camps. Levy-Lenz, who like Hirschfeld was Jewish, fled Germany to escape execution—but in a dark twist, his colleague Erwin Gohrbrandt, with whom he had performed so many supportive operations, joined the Luftwaffe and would later contribute to grim experiments in the Dachau concentration camp.

Hirschfeld’s likeness would be reproduced on Nazi propaganda as the worst of offenders, both Jewish and homosexual, all that the Nazis would does symbicort reduce phlegm stamp out in their bid to produce the perfect heteronormative Aryan race. In the immediate aftermath of the Nazi raid, Karl Geise joined Hirschfeld and his protege Li Shiu Tong, a young medical student, in Paris. The three would continue living together as partners and colleagues with hopes of rebuilding the institute, until the growing threat of Nazi occupation once more required them to flee. Hirschfeld died of a sudden stroke in 1935 while still on the run does symbicort reduce phlegm.

Giese committed suicide in 1938—and Hirschfeld's protgege Li Shiu Tong would abandon his hopes of opening an institute in Hong Kong for a life of obscurity abroad. Their history had been effectively erased—so effectively, in fact, that though the newsreels still exist, and the does symbicort reduce phlegm pictures of the burning library are often reproduced, few know they feature the world’s first trans clinic. The Nazi ideal had been based upon white, cishet (that is, cisgender and heterosexual) masculinity masquerading as genetic superiority. Any who strayed were considered as depraved, immoral, worthy of death.

What began as a project of “protecting” German youth does symbicort reduce phlegm and raising healthy families had been turned, under Hitler, into a mechanism for genocide. A NOTE FOR THE FUTURE The story of Hirschfeld’s institute at once inspires hope and pride for an LGBTQ+ history that might have been, and could still be. It simultaneously sounds a warning. Current legislation, and indeed calls does symbicort reduce phlegm even to separate trans children from supportive parents, bear striking resemblance to those terrible campaigns against so-labeled “aberrant” lives.

Studies have shown that supportive hormone therapy, accessed at an early age, lowers rates of suicide among trans youth—but there are those who, counter to Hirschfeld, refuse to believe that trans identity is something you can be “born with.” Richard Dawkins was recently stripped of his “humanist of the year” award for comments comparing trans people to Rachel Dolezal, a civil rights activist who posed as a Black woman, as though gender transition was a kind of duplicity. His comments come on the heels of yet more legislation in Florida banning transgender athletes from participating in sports, and an Arkansas bill denying transgender children and teens supportive care. The future does symbicort reduce phlegm doesn’t always guarantee social progress. Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research, with its trans-supportive community of care, ought to have provided a firm platform to build a future that indeed thought of “sexual intermediaries” in “more just terms.” But these pioneers and their heroic sacrifices help to provide a sense of hope—and of history—for LGBTQ+ communities worldwide.

May we learn the lessons of history, because where we go from here is up to us. This is an opinion and analysis article.When my Harvard colleague Stephen Greenblatt saw my book Extraterrestrial featured on the cover of the Orthodox Jewish magazine Ami, he commented does symbicort reduce phlegm “It is interesting that the Orthodox evidently do not consider their faith threatened by the possibility of other inhabited worlds.” To which I replied. €œThey appear to be less orthodox than my colleagues in the scientific community.” This was in reference to the pushback that my book received regarding the possibility that the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua might have been manufactured by another civilization. Innovation blossoms in a culture willing to acquire new knowledge rather than being trapped in its past belief system.

A mainstream astronomer who worked on rocks in the solar system for does symbicort reduce phlegm decades commented grudgingly. €œâ€˜Oumuamua is so strange…. I wish it never existed.” Such a sentiment is not the trademark of an intellectual culture that fosters discovery. In the weeks following the publication does symbicort reduce phlegm of my book I received numerous e-mails from astronomers, some tenured, who confessed that they agree with me but are afraid to speak out because of the potential repercussions to their careers.

Resistance to innovation is not a new phenomenon. When the astronomer Otto Struve suggested in a 1952 paper to search for hot Jupiters—massive, gaseous planets like our own Jupiter orbiting very close to their stars—his proposal was ignored until Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor found 51 Pegasi b. Prior to this discovery, astronomers argued that telescope time should not be “wasted” on this search because a Jupiter-like planet is unlikely to form so close does symbicort reduce phlegm to a sunlike star. Many even doubted whether exoplanets are common in the first place.

The fact that this predictive “baby” was born four decades after it was conceived implies that there must be more “babies” that have never born because their existence is still in doubt. Placing blinders on our telescopes keeps us in our comfort zone at does symbicort reduce phlegm the expense of prolonging our ignorance. But reality does not abide by our prejudice. The existence of exoplanets or neighboring civilizations does not depend on whether we search does symbicort reduce phlegm for them.

Finding extraordinary evidence requires a commitment of extraordinary funds. This was true in the successful searches for the Higgs boson or gravitational waves, and it is definitely true in the so-far unsuccessful search for the nature of dark matter. Lack of evidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, the result of not investing enough does symbicort reduce phlegm in the search. All four proposals for explaining the anomalies of ‘Oumuamua in the context of a natural origin contemplated objects that we had never seen before in the solar system, including a hydrogen iceberg, a nitrogen iceberg, a tidal disruption fragment or a dust bunny.

Therefore, by taking a close-up photograph of an ‘Oumuamua-like object in the future, we will learn something new about the nurseries that give birth to objects that we never imagined before ‘Oumuamua’s discovery. Our scientific does symbicort reduce phlegm knowledge will benefit irrespective of whether these objects are natural or artificial in origin. Only one scenario will maintain our ignorance—that of “business as usual” and lack of interest in ‘Oumuamua’s anomalies. The culture of ignoring testable ideas because of prejudice coexists comfortably with a more extreme culture that embraces other ideas without requiring any test.

The only requirement is for ideas to be popular within a large does symbicort reduce phlegm community that finds them legitimate. There is a benefit to not putting “skin in the game” with notions like the multiverse or the string theory landscape, which cannot be proven wrong by experimental tests and hence offer an ideal backdrop for demonstrating mathematical virtuosity. As the rabbinical saying goes. €œThe one who wants to lie, keeps the testimony far away.” A data-free does symbicort reduce phlegm culture, reminiscent of other undisputable belief systems, gained popularity in theoretical physics after the cancellation of the Superconducting Super Collider in 1993.

The resulting data famine gave rise to a new theoretical framework that omits any obligation for falsifiability. At the first annual conference of Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative, a philosopher argued that if physicists agree on a notion for a decade it must be valid. But history teaches us does symbicort reduce phlegm otherwise. Without bothering to look through Galileo Galilei’s telescope, philosophers overwhelmingly agreed on the incorrect notion that the sun moves around the Earth.

At the same time, we should also keep in mind that good data alone are not enough to bring us closer to the truth. Even when data are collected, they can be ignored or does symbicort reduce phlegm misinterpreted due to prejudice. Images of giant arcs of light around clusters of galaxies were published in the Astrophysical Journal long before they were properly interpreted in the 1980s as the result of gravitational lensing of more distant background galaxies. In another example, Mayan astronomy assembled exquisite data about the motions of planets and stars on the sky but used these by orthodox fiat to forecast the outcome of wars instead of discovering Newton’s law of gravity.

At a recent book event I had does symbicort reduce phlegm with science writers, examples were mentioned of cases where evidence was dismissed by the mainstream in various scientific disciplines because it did not comply with the prevailing paradigm. All these rivers of wrongdoings in the form of organized science or religion flow from the sea of authority—the interpretation of evidence or lack thereof to protect groupthink from doubts by ridiculing alternatives. As Galileo does symbicort reduce phlegm stated. €œIn questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” When a book titled A Hundred Authors against Einstein was published in 1931, Albert Einstein responded that if he was wrong then one author would have been enough.

A contemporary way of paraphrasing Galileo and Einstein is that truth is not decided by the number of likes on Twitter. Given this perspective, the pushback to my does symbicort reduce phlegm book is by no means an experience I regret. Instead, as Robert Frost noted. €œTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This personal adventure is dwarfed by the broader implications of finding whether humanity is actually the “smartest kid on the interstellar block.” Throughout life we resemble actors who are handed scripts imposed by orthodox traditions.

The most important task before us as a civilization is to find does symbicort reduce phlegm freethinking actors from exoplanets and learn whether they have a better sense of what the play is all about. Here’s hoping that their answer will not be anchored in millennia of orthodoxy, but rather humbled by eons of open-minded interpretation of evidence. This is an opinion and analysis article.Facing a limited treatment supply, the United Kingdom embarked on a bold public-health experiment at the end of 2020. Delaying second doses of anti inflammatory drugs treatments in a bid to maximize the number of people who would be at least does symbicort reduce phlegm partially protected from hospitalization and death.

Now, a study suggests that delaying the second dose of the Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA treatment could boost antibody responses after the second inoculation more than threefold in those older than 80. It is the first direct study of how such a delay affects anti-inflammatories antibody levels, and could inform treatment scheduling decisions in other countries, the authors say. €œThis study further supports a growing body of evidence that the approach taken in the UK for delaying that second dose has really paid off,” Gayatri does symbicort reduce phlegm Amirthalingam, an epidemiologist at Public Health England in London and a co-author of the preprint, said during a press briefing. Many anti inflammatory drugs treatments are given in two doses.

The first initiates an immune response, and the second, ‘booster’ shot strengthens it. Clinical trials of the three treatments used in the United Kingdom does symbicort reduce phlegm generally featured a three- to four-week gap between doses. But for some existing treatments, a longer wait between first and second doses yields a stronger immune response. Delaying the anti inflammatory drugs booster shots could also expand partial immunity among a greater swathe of the population than could the shorter dosing schedule.

On 30 December, the United does symbicort reduce phlegm Kingdom announced that it would delay the second dose by up to 12 weeks after the first. To determine whether the delay paid off, Amirthalingam and her colleagues studied 175 treatment recipients older than 80 who received their second dose of the Pfizer treatment either 3 weeks or 11–12 weeks after the first dose. The team measured recipients’ levels of antibodies against the anti-inflammatories spike protein and assessed how immune cells called T cells, which can help to maintain antibody levels over time, responded to vaccination. Peak antibody does symbicort reduce phlegm levels were 3.5 times higher in those who waited 12 weeks for their booster shot than were those in people who waited only 3 weeks.

Peak T-cell response was lower in those with the extended interval. But this did not cause antibody levels to decline more quickly over the nine weeks after the booster shot. The results are reassuring, but are specific to the Pfizer treatment, which is not available in many low-to-middle income countries, says Alejandro does symbicort reduce phlegm Cravioto, chair of the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization. Countries will need to consider whether the variants that are circulating in their particular region might raise risk after only one treatment dose, he says.

For the United Kingdom, extending the interval between doses was clearly the right choice, but does symbicort reduce phlegm the country’s lockdown deserves part of the credit for that success, says Stephen Griffin, a virologist at the University of Leeds, UK. €œPeople are theoretically vulnerable between their first and second jab,” he says. €œWhat’s worked in the UK is maintaining restrictions at the same time as vaccinating.” This article is reproduced with permission and was first published on May 13 2021.When chemistry graduate student Abby Gatmaitan first visited the University of Texas at Austin on a recruiting tour, she learned about the MasSpec Pen—a handheld device that scientists there were developing to diagnose tumors on contact. €œI knew that was where I does symbicort reduce phlegm wanted to do my research,” she says.

Shortly after joining the lab, she realized that if the pen could categorize human tissue, it would probably also work on other animals. Gatmaitan had a very specific problem in mind, and her hunch paid off. Her research, published this spring in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that touching the tip of the “pen” to a does symbicort reduce phlegm sample of raw meat or fish could correctly identify the species it came from. The device was tested on five samples and took less than 15 seconds for each of them.

Roughly the length of a typical ink pen, the tool provided answers about 720 times faster than a leading meat-evaluating technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing—and it was much easier to use. Gatmaitan says does symbicort reduce phlegm it could help scientists tackle a global conservation issue. Mislabeled seafood. Seafood fraud is not just a concern for the restaurant diner who orders expensive, wild-caught red snapper, only to wind up with a plate of mercury-laden tilefish.

Such deception also does symbicort reduce phlegm threatens the environment. Mislabeled fishes often come from poorly managed fisheries that can harm local ecosystems. Sometimes a fish is passed off as the wrong species or is falsely claimed to have been caught in a different geographical area in order to evade conservation laws or sell a catch for more money than its market value. MasSpec Pen does symbicort reduce phlegm was originally developed to diagnose tumors.

Credit. Anna Krieger, Abby Gatmaitan and U.T. Austin The problem does symbicort reduce phlegm is widespread. A 2019 analysis in Biological Conservation found that around 8 percent of seafood products are mislabeled.

Some fish are more prone to fraud than others. One study by the nonprofit ocean conservation organization Oceana sampled species known for being mislabeled, such as snapper and tuna, and does symbicort reduce phlegm found that a whopping 87 and 59 percent, respectively, were labeled incorrectly. To spot mislabeled fish before it reaches consumers, inspectors from government organizations, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, must does symbicort reduce phlegm be able to test whether a sample’s purported species and place of origin are accurate.

Such testing also enables watchdog organizations to stamp the packaging of verified fish with “ecolabels,” which show consumers that the seafood meets the organizations’ inspection standards. Using the pen technology “seems to be an affordable and quick way for businesses to make some quick, science-based verifications of what exactly the species is,” says Natalie Hunter, head of supply chain development at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a nonprofit group that provides one of the most prominent ecolabels currently in use. The MasSpec device looks like a swollen gray ballpoint pen with a thin tube snaking out one end that connects it to a mass spectrometer and a supply does symbicort reduce phlegm of solvent. To test its performance, Gatmaitan touched the pen’s tip to samples of fish she had bought at the grocery store.

The pen released a droplet of solvent onto the sample’s surface and then sucked it back into the pen, through the tube and into the mass spectrometer. Inside the machine, each sample was automatically dissolved does symbicort reduce phlegm in the solvent and then vaporized, turning its chemical components into ions. The ions were beamed through a magnetic field, which bent their path so that each one shot in a new direction—based on its mass and electrical charge—before landing on a detector plate. By noting each ion’s position on the plate, the system could identify which chemicals (and how much of each) were in the sample.

Almost immediately after the pen touched the fish, the machine’s computer does symbicort reduce phlegm screen displayed a hilly graph showing each compound’s amount, which varies, depending on a fish’s species and diet. Other scientists have already learned the chemical profiles that categorized many fish species, and Gatmaitan’s team used these profiles to train the device’s computer. It associates certain graph shapes with various fish species and then displays their names on a screen. €œhalibut,” “cod,” “sockeye salmon.” In the future, the researchers could build similar chemical profiles to reveal where a fish came from and does symbicort reduce phlegm whether it was wild-caught or farm-raised.

The device is relatively affordable. It uses disposable tips and a couple droplets of common solvents per test. And it does symbicort reduce phlegm does not harm the sample, so fish can be safely sold and eaten after testing. The MasSpec Pen will enter a commercial market that already has reliable (if slower and costlier) techniques, including DNA testing.

Any new technology like this will initially lack the robust public data repository needed to make it accessible and verifiable, notes Katie Longo, a senior scientist at MSC. Still, Gatmaitan says that several does symbicort reduce phlegm government labs have expressed interest in using the pen to test food, and the U.T. Austin researchers are working to make it more field-friendly. Fish testing labs can connect the pen to their own mass spectrometer equipment—but Gatmaitan and her colleagues also want it to be connectable to existing portable machines so it can function in various locations.

They are currently building up their database of fish species’ chemical profiles so they can test mixed does symbicort reduce phlegm samples or pinpoint where in the world a fish was caught. €œAtlantic salmon and sockeye salmon are very easily substituted for each other because they look identical, but their habitat is different,” Gatmaitan says. €œWe hope to get even more specific than that—maybe even determine which fishery they came from.”.

Trees that were poisoned and killed by saltwater are emitting greenhouses gases known as “tree farts,” prompting researchers to warn of a secret warming source that could become worse as rising seas encroach symbicort pills online on forests. Drowned trees in what scientists call “ghost forests” increased the amount of carbon dioxide released by these ecosystems by about 25%, according to a study published last week in Biogeochemistry. Melinda Martinez, lead author and graduate student at North Carolina State University, said the symbicort pills online emissions they measured from dead pine and bald cypress trees, also called snags, in five ghost forests on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula in North Carolina need to be accounted for. €œEven though these standing dead trees are not emitting as much as the soils, they’re still emitting something,” she said. €œEven the smallest fart counts.” The study reported that carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from the trees “contribute significantly” to total emissions.

Martinez said the greenhouse gases from snags are important to monitor because ghost forests are spreading along symbicort pills online U.S. Coasts. Ghost forests span across the southern U.S. Coastline from symbicort pills online Louisiana to Maryland. They’re named for their ghostly scenery — pale trunks devoid of leaves or any telltale sign of life.

Although most ghost forests are created by rising sea levels, salty water can also infiate forests through canals and ditches used for agricultural purposes. The effects of mass tree symbicort pills online deaths on plant and wildlife can be dramatic. A study published earlier this year in Ecological Applications found that more salt-tolerant shrubs and grasses moved into North Carolina’s ghost forests. That caused a major shift in wildlife and threatened endangered wolf and woodpecker species. Before conducting the new study, Martinez said some researchers thought the dead trees were symbicort pills online acting as straws to suck up greenhouses gases from the soil.

When the tree dies, remaining water is flushed out of the leaves, which they thought would allow greenhouse gases to diffuse up the tree. But their research showed that higher tree stems hold less greenhouse gases than they thought. She added that they are still unsure how greenhouse gas emissions differ between tree species and how to advise land managers on symbicort pills online mitigation efforts. Some researchers have suggested implementing “living shorelines” made from plants and rocks to buffer saltwater surges. €œIt’s a hard question to answer because snags can become a new habitat for other animals,” Martinez said.

€œWe’re hoping to get symbicort pills online a better idea of how greenhouse gases change as the trees are dying and also get better estimates of live tree stem emissions.” Reprinted from E&E News with permission from POLITICO, LLC. Copyright 2021. E&E News provides essential news for energy and environment professionals.The first gender affirmation surgeries took place in 1920s, at a facility which employed transgender technicians and nurses, and which was headed by a gay Jewish man. The forgotten symbicort pills online history of the institute, and its fall to Nazis bent on the euthanasia of homosexuals and transgender people, offers us both hope—and a cautionary tale—in the face of oppressive anti-trans legislation in the United States. This story begins late one night in Berlin, on the cusp of the 20th century.

Magnus Hirschfeld, a young doctor recently finished with his military service, found a German soldier on his doorstep symbicort pills online. Distraught and agitated, the young man had come to confess himself an urning, a word used in Germany to refer to homosexual men. It explained the cover of darkness. To speak symbicort pills online of such things was dangerous business. The infamous “Paragraph 175” in the German criminal code made homosexuality illegal.

A man so accused could be stripped of his ranks and titles and imprisoned. Hirschfeld understood symbicort pills online the soldier’s plight. He was, himself, both homosexual and Jewish. He had toured Europe, watched the unfolding trial against Oscar Wilde, and written an anonymous pamphlet asking why “the married man who seduces the governess” remains free, while homosexual men in loving and consensual relationships—men like Oscar Wilde—were imprisoned. Hirschfeld did his best to comfort the man, but upon leaving his doctor, the soldier shot symbicort pills online himself.

It was the eve of his wedding, an event he could not face. The soldier bequeathed his private papers to Hirschfeld, along with a letter. €œthe thought that you could contribute to [a future] when the German fatherland will think of us in more just terms,” he wrote, “sweetens the hour of death.” Hirschfeld would be forever haunted by this symbicort pills online needless loss. The soldier had called himself a “curse,” fit only to die, because the expectations of heterosexual norms, reinforced by marriage and law, made no room for his kind. These heartbreaking stories, Hirschfeld wrote, “bring before us the whole tragedy [in Germany].

What fatherland did they have, and symbicort pills online for what freedom were they fighting?. € In the aftermath of this lonely death, Hirschfeld left his practice to specialize in sexual health, and began a crusade for justice that would alter the course of queer history. Hirschfeld called his specialty “sexual intermediaries.” Included beneath this umbrella were what he considered “situational” and “constitutional” homosexuals—a recognition that there is often a spectrum and bisexual practice—as well as what he termed “transvestites.” This group did include those who wished to wear the clothes of the opposite sex, but also those who “from the point of view of their character,” should be considered as the opposite sex. One soldier with whom Hirschfeld had worked described wearing women’s clothing as the chance “to be symbicort pills online a human at least for a moment.” He likewise recognized that these people could be either homosexual or heterosexual, something that is still misunderstood about transgender people today. Perhaps even more surprising was Hirschfeld’s inclusion of those with no fixed gender at all, akin to today’s concept of gender fluid or nonbinary identity (he counted French novelist George Sand among them).

Most importantly for Hirschfeld, these men and women were acting “in accordance with their nature,” not against it. If this seems like extremely forward thinking for the time, symbicort pills online it was—possibly more forward thinking than our own. Current anti-trans sentiments center on the idea that transgender is both unnatural and new. In the wake of a U.K symbicort pills online. Court decision limiting trans rights, an editorial in the Economist argued that other countries should follow suit, and an editorial in the Observer praised the court for resisting a “disturbing trend” of children receiving medical treatments as part of a gender transition.

But history bears witness to the plurality of gender and sexuality. Hirschfeld considered Socrates, symbicort pills online Michelangelo and Shakespeare to be sexual intermediaries. He considered himself (and his partner Karl Geise) to be the same. Hirschfeld’s own predecessor, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, had claimed in the 19th century that homosexuality was natural sexual variation—and Hirschfeld believed that a person was congenitally born that way. This was no trend or fad, but a recognition that people may be born with a nature contrary to their symbicort pills online assigned gender.

And, in cases where the desire to live as the opposite sex was strong, Hirschfeld thought science ought to provide a means of transition. He purchased a Berlin villa in early 1919 and opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Research) on July 6. By 1930 it would perform symbicort pills online the first modern gender affirmation surgeries in the world. A PLACE OF SAFETY A corner building with wings to either side, the institute was an architectural gem that blurred the line between professional and intimate living spaces. A journalist reported it could not “be a hospital,” for it was furnished, plush, and “full of life everywhere.” It’s stated purpose.

To be a place of “research, teaching, healing, and refuge” that could symbicort pills online “free the individual from physical ailments, psychological afflictions, and social deprivation.” Hirschfeld’s institute would also be a place of education. While in medical school, he’d experienced the trauma of watching as a gay man was paraded naked before the class, to be verbally abused as degenerate. At his institute, Hirschfeld would instead provide sex education and health clinics, advice on contraception, and research on gender and sexuality, both anthropological and psychological. He worked tirelessly to try and overturn Paragraph 175, managed to get legally accepted “transvestite” identity cards for his patients, and worked to symbicort pills online normalize and legitimize homosexual and transitioning individuals. The grounds also included room for offices given over to feminist activists, as well as a printing house for sex reform journals meant to dispel myths about sexuality.

€œLove,” Hirschfeld said, “is as varied as people are.” The institute would ultimately house an immense library on sexuality, gathered over many years and including rare books and diagrams and protocols for male-to-female (MTF) surgical transition. In addition to psychiatrists for therapy, he had had hired Ludwig Levy-Lenz, a gynecologist, and surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt symbicort pills online. Together, they performed male-to-female surgery called genitalumwandlung—literally, “transformation of genitals.” This occurred in stages. Castration, penectomy and vaginoplasty. (The Institute only treated men at this time symbicort pills online.

Female-to-male phalloplasty would not be practiced until 1949 by plastic surgeon Sir Harold Gillies). Importantly, patients would also be prescribed hormone therapy, allowing them to grow natural breasts and softer features.” Their groundbreaking studies, meticulously documented, drew international attention—and international patients, as well. Rights and recognition did symbicort pills online not immediately follow, however. After surgery, some transwomen had difficulty getting work to support themselves, and as a result, five became nurses at the institute itself. In this way, Hirschfeld symbicort pills online sought to provide a safe space for those whose altered bodies differed from the gender they were assigned at birth—including, at times, protection from the law.

LIVES WORTH LIVING That such an institute existed as early as 1919, recognizing the plurality of gender identity and offering support, even through affirming surgery, comes as a surprise to many. It should have been the bedrock on which to build a bolder future. But as the institute celebrated its first decade, the Nazi party was already symbicort pills online on the rise. By 1932, it was the largest political party in Germany, holding more parliamentary seats, and growing its numbers through a nationalism that targeted the immigrant, the disabled, the “genetically unfit.” Weakened by economic crisis and without a majority, the Weimer Republic would collapse. Hitler was named chancellor on January 30, 1933 and would enact policies to rid Germany of lebensunwertes Leben.

That is, “lives unworthy of living.” What began as a sterilization program ultimately led to the extermination of millions of Jews, “Gypsies,” Soviet and Polish citizens—and homosexuals symbicort pills online and transgender people. The Nazis came for the Institute on May 10, 1933. Hirschfeld was out of the country. Karl Geise symbicort pills online fled with what he could carry. Everything else would perish by fire.

The carnage would flicker over German newsreels, the first (but by no means last) of the Nazi book burnings. Troops swarmed the building, carrying off a bronze bust symbicort pills online of Hirschfeld and all of his precious books. Nazi youth, women, and soldiers took part, the footage and its voiceover declaring the German state had committed “the intellectual garbage of the past” to the flames. Soon, a tower-like bonfire engulfed more than 20,000 books, some of them rare copies that helped to provide a historiography for nonconforming peoples. They could never be replaced symbicort pills online.

The Nazis also stole lists of clients, adding the names to “pink lists” from which to poach homosexuals for concentration camps. Levy-Lenz, who like Hirschfeld was Jewish, fled Germany to escape execution—but in a dark twist, his colleague Erwin Gohrbrandt, with whom he had performed so many supportive operations, joined the Luftwaffe and would later contribute to grim experiments in the Dachau concentration camp. Hirschfeld’s likeness would be reproduced on Nazi propaganda as the worst of offenders, both Jewish and symbicort pills online homosexual, all that the Nazis would stamp out in their bid to produce the perfect heteronormative Aryan race. In the immediate aftermath of the Nazi raid, Karl Geise joined Hirschfeld and his protege Li Shiu Tong, a young medical student, in Paris. The three would continue living together as partners and colleagues with hopes of rebuilding the institute, until the growing threat of Nazi occupation once more required them to flee.

Hirschfeld died of a sudden stroke in symbicort pills online 1935 while still on the run. Giese committed suicide in 1938—and Hirschfeld's protgege Li Shiu Tong would abandon his hopes of opening an institute in Hong Kong for a life of obscurity abroad. Their history had been effectively erased—so effectively, in fact, that though the newsreels still exist, and the pictures of the burning library are often reproduced, few know they feature symbicort pills online the world’s first trans clinic. The Nazi ideal had been based upon white, cishet (that is, cisgender and heterosexual) masculinity masquerading as genetic superiority. Any who strayed were considered as depraved, immoral, worthy of death.

What began as a project of “protecting” German youth and raising healthy families had been turned, under symbicort pills online Hitler, into a mechanism for genocide. A NOTE FOR THE FUTURE The story of Hirschfeld’s institute at once inspires hope and pride for an LGBTQ+ history that might have been, and could still be. It simultaneously sounds a warning. Current legislation, and indeed calls even to separate symbicort pills online trans children from supportive parents, bear striking resemblance to those terrible campaigns against so-labeled “aberrant” lives. Studies have shown that supportive hormone therapy, accessed at an early age, lowers rates of suicide among trans youth—but there are those who, counter to Hirschfeld, refuse to believe that trans identity is something you can be “born with.” Richard Dawkins was recently stripped of his “humanist of the year” award for comments comparing trans people to Rachel Dolezal, a civil rights activist who posed as a Black woman, as though gender transition was a kind of duplicity.

His comments come on the heels of yet more legislation in Florida banning transgender athletes from participating in sports, and an Arkansas bill denying transgender children and teens supportive care. The future doesn’t always guarantee symbicort pills online social progress. Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research, with its trans-supportive community of care, ought to have provided a firm platform to build a future that indeed thought of “sexual intermediaries” in “more just terms.” But these pioneers and their heroic sacrifices help to provide a sense of hope—and of history—for LGBTQ+ communities worldwide. May we learn the lessons of history, because where we go from here is up to us. This is an opinion and analysis article.When my symbicort pills online Harvard colleague Stephen Greenblatt saw my book Extraterrestrial featured on the cover of the Orthodox Jewish magazine Ami, he commented “It is interesting that the Orthodox evidently do not consider their faith threatened by the possibility of other inhabited worlds.” To which I replied.

€œThey appear to be less orthodox than my colleagues in the scientific community.” This was in reference to the pushback that my book received regarding the possibility that the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua might have been manufactured by another civilization. Innovation blossoms in a culture willing to acquire new knowledge rather than being trapped in its past belief system. A mainstream astronomer who worked on rocks in the solar system symbicort pills online for decades commented grudgingly. €œâ€˜Oumuamua is so strange…. I wish it never existed.” Such a sentiment is not the trademark of an intellectual culture that fosters discovery.

In the weeks following the publication of my book I received numerous e-mails from astronomers, some tenured, who confessed that they agree symbicort pills online with me but are afraid to speak out because of the potential repercussions to their careers. Resistance to innovation is not a new phenomenon. When the astronomer Otto Struve suggested in a 1952 paper to search for hot Jupiters—massive, gaseous planets like our own Jupiter orbiting very close to their stars—his proposal was ignored until Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor found 51 Pegasi b. Prior to this symbicort pills online discovery, astronomers argued that telescope time should not be “wasted” on this search because a Jupiter-like planet is unlikely to form so close to a sunlike star. Many even doubted whether exoplanets are common in the first place.

The fact that this predictive “baby” was born four decades after it was conceived implies that there must be more “babies” that have never born because their existence is still in doubt. Placing blinders on symbicort pills online our telescopes keeps us in our comfort zone at the expense of prolonging our ignorance. But reality does not abide by our prejudice. The existence of exoplanets or neighboring civilizations does not depend on whether symbicort pills online we search for them. Finding extraordinary evidence requires a commitment of extraordinary funds.

This was true in the successful searches for the Higgs boson or gravitational waves, and it is definitely true in the so-far unsuccessful search for the nature of dark matter. Lack of evidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, the symbicort pills online result of not investing enough in the search. All four proposals for explaining the anomalies of ‘Oumuamua in the context of a natural origin contemplated objects that we had never seen before in the solar system, including a hydrogen iceberg, a nitrogen iceberg, a tidal disruption fragment or a dust bunny. Therefore, by taking a close-up photograph of an ‘Oumuamua-like object in the future, we will learn something new about the nurseries that give birth to objects that we never imagined before ‘Oumuamua’s discovery. Our scientific knowledge will benefit symbicort pills online irrespective of whether these objects are natural or artificial in origin.

Only one scenario will maintain our ignorance—that of “business as usual” and lack of interest in ‘Oumuamua’s anomalies. The culture of ignoring testable ideas because of prejudice coexists comfortably with a more extreme culture that embraces other ideas without requiring any test. The only requirement is for ideas to be popular within a large community symbicort pills online that finds them legitimate. There is a benefit to not putting “skin in the game” with notions like the multiverse or the string theory landscape, which cannot be proven wrong by experimental tests and hence offer an ideal backdrop for demonstrating mathematical virtuosity. As the rabbinical saying goes.

€œThe one who wants to lie, keeps the testimony far away.” A data-free culture, reminiscent of other undisputable belief systems, gained popularity in theoretical physics after the cancellation of the symbicort pills online Superconducting Super Collider in 1993. The resulting data famine gave rise to a new theoretical framework that omits any obligation for falsifiability. At the first annual conference of Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative, a philosopher argued that if physicists agree on a notion for a decade it must be valid. But history symbicort pills online teaches us otherwise. Without bothering to look through Galileo Galilei’s telescope, philosophers overwhelmingly agreed on the incorrect notion that the sun moves around the Earth.

At the same time, we should also keep in mind that good data alone are not enough to bring us closer to the truth. Even when data are collected, they can be ignored symbicort pills online or misinterpreted due to prejudice. Images of giant arcs of light around clusters of galaxies were published in the Astrophysical Journal long before they were properly interpreted in the 1980s as the result of gravitational lensing of more distant background galaxies. In another example, Mayan astronomy assembled exquisite data about the motions of planets and stars on the sky but used these by orthodox fiat to forecast the outcome of wars instead of discovering Newton’s law of gravity. At a recent book event I had with science writers, examples were mentioned of cases where evidence was dismissed by the mainstream symbicort pills online in various scientific disciplines because it did not comply with the prevailing paradigm.

All these rivers of wrongdoings in the form of organized science or religion flow from the sea of authority—the interpretation of evidence or lack thereof to protect groupthink from doubts by ridiculing alternatives. As Galileo symbicort pills online stated. €œIn questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” When a book titled A Hundred Authors against Einstein was published in 1931, Albert Einstein responded that if he was wrong then one author would have been enough. A contemporary way of paraphrasing Galileo and Einstein is that truth is not decided by the number of likes on Twitter. Given this perspective, the pushback to my book is by no symbicort pills online means an experience I regret.

Instead, as Robert Frost noted. €œTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This personal adventure is dwarfed by the broader implications of finding whether humanity is actually the “smartest kid on the interstellar block.” Throughout life we resemble actors who are handed scripts imposed by orthodox traditions. The most important task before us as a civilization is to find freethinking actors from exoplanets and learn whether they have a better symbicort pills online sense of what the play is all about. Here’s hoping that their answer will not be anchored in millennia of orthodoxy, but rather humbled by eons of open-minded interpretation of evidence. This is an opinion and analysis article.Facing a limited treatment supply, the United Kingdom embarked on a bold public-health experiment at the end of 2020.

Delaying second doses of anti inflammatory drugs treatments in a bid to maximize the number of people who would be at least partially protected from symbicort pills online hospitalization and death. Now, a study suggests that delaying the second dose of the Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA treatment could boost antibody responses after the second inoculation more than threefold in those older than 80. It is the first direct study of how such a delay affects anti-inflammatories antibody levels, and could inform treatment scheduling decisions in other countries, the authors say. €œThis study further supports a growing body of symbicort pills online evidence that the approach taken in the UK for delaying that second dose has really paid off,” Gayatri Amirthalingam, an epidemiologist at Public Health England in London and a co-author of the preprint, said during a press briefing. Many anti inflammatory drugs treatments are given in two doses.

The first initiates an immune response, and the second, ‘booster’ shot strengthens it. Clinical trials of the three treatments used in the United Kingdom symbicort pills online generally featured a three- to four-week gap between doses. But for some existing treatments, a longer wait between first and second doses yields a stronger immune response. Delaying the anti inflammatory drugs booster shots could also expand partial immunity among a greater swathe of the population than could the shorter dosing schedule. On 30 December, the United Kingdom announced that it would symbicort pills online delay the second dose by up to 12 weeks after the first.

To determine whether the delay paid off, Amirthalingam and her colleagues studied 175 treatment recipients older than 80 who received their second dose of the Pfizer treatment either 3 weeks or 11–12 weeks after the first dose. The team measured recipients’ levels of antibodies against the anti-inflammatories spike protein and assessed how immune cells called T cells, which can help to maintain antibody levels over time, responded to vaccination. Peak antibody levels were 3.5 times higher in those who waited 12 weeks for their booster shot than were those in people who waited only symbicort pills online 3 weeks. Peak T-cell response was lower in those with the extended interval. But this did not cause antibody levels to decline more quickly over the nine weeks after the booster shot.

The results are reassuring, but are specific to the Pfizer treatment, which is not available in many low-to-middle income countries, says Alejandro Cravioto, chair of the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization symbicort pills online. Countries will need to consider whether the variants that are circulating in their particular region might raise risk after only one treatment dose, he says. For the United Kingdom, extending the interval between doses was clearly the right choice, but symbicort pills online the country’s lockdown deserves part of the credit for that success, says Stephen Griffin, a virologist at the University of Leeds, UK. €œPeople are theoretically vulnerable between their first and second jab,” he says. €œWhat’s worked in the UK is maintaining restrictions at the same time as vaccinating.” This article is reproduced with permission and was first published on May 13 2021.When chemistry graduate student Abby Gatmaitan first visited the University of Texas at Austin on a recruiting tour, she learned about the MasSpec Pen—a handheld device that scientists there were developing to diagnose tumors on contact.

€œI knew that was where I wanted to symbicort pills online do my research,” she says. Shortly after joining the lab, she realized that if the pen could categorize human tissue, it would probably also work on other animals. Gatmaitan had a very specific problem in mind, and her hunch paid off. Her research, published this spring in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that touching the tip symbicort pills online of the “pen” to a sample of raw meat or fish could correctly identify the species it came from. The device was tested on five samples and took less than 15 seconds for each of them.

Roughly the length of a typical ink pen, the tool provided answers about 720 times faster than a leading meat-evaluating technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing—and it was much easier to use. Gatmaitan says it could help scientists tackle a symbicort pills online global conservation issue. Mislabeled seafood. Seafood fraud is not just a concern for the restaurant diner who orders expensive, wild-caught red snapper, only to wind up with a plate of mercury-laden tilefish. Such deception also threatens symbicort pills online the environment.

Mislabeled fishes often come from poorly managed fisheries that can harm local ecosystems. Sometimes a fish is passed off as the wrong species or is falsely claimed to have been caught in a different geographical area in order to evade conservation laws or sell a catch for more money than its market value. MasSpec Pen was symbicort pills online originally developed to diagnose tumors. Credit. Anna Krieger, Abby Gatmaitan and U.T.

Austin The problem symbicort pills online is widespread. A 2019 analysis in Biological Conservation found that around 8 percent of seafood products are mislabeled. Some fish are more prone to fraud than others. One study by the nonprofit ocean conservation organization Oceana sampled species known for being mislabeled, such as snapper and tuna, and found that a whopping 87 and 59 percent, symbicort pills online respectively, were labeled incorrectly. To spot mislabeled fish before it reaches consumers, inspectors from government organizations, including the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration, must be able to test whether a sample’s purported species and place of origin symbicort pills online are accurate. Such testing also enables watchdog organizations to stamp the packaging of verified fish with “ecolabels,” which show consumers that the seafood meets the organizations’ inspection standards. Using the pen technology “seems to be an affordable and quick way for businesses to make some quick, science-based verifications of what exactly the species is,” says Natalie Hunter, head of supply chain development at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a nonprofit group that provides one of the most prominent ecolabels currently in use. The MasSpec device looks like a swollen gray ballpoint pen with a thin tube snaking out one symbicort pills online end that connects it to a mass spectrometer and a supply of solvent. To test its performance, Gatmaitan touched the pen’s tip to samples of fish she had bought at the grocery store.

The pen released a droplet of solvent onto the sample’s surface and then sucked it back into the pen, through the tube and into the mass spectrometer. Inside the machine, each sample was automatically dissolved in the solvent symbicort pills online and then vaporized, turning its chemical components into ions. The ions were beamed through a magnetic field, which bent their path so that each one shot in a new direction—based on its mass and electrical charge—before landing on a detector plate. By noting each ion’s position on the plate, the system could identify which chemicals (and how much of each) were in the sample. Almost immediately after the pen touched the fish, the machine’s computer screen displayed symbicort pills online a hilly graph showing each compound’s amount, which varies, depending on a fish’s species and diet.

Other scientists have already learned the chemical profiles that categorized many fish species, and Gatmaitan’s team used these profiles to train the device’s computer. It associates certain graph shapes with various fish species and then displays their names on a screen. €œhalibut,” “cod,” “sockeye salmon.” In the future, the researchers could build similar chemical profiles to reveal where a symbicort pills online fish came from and whether it was wild-caught or farm-raised. The device is relatively affordable. It uses disposable tips and a couple droplets of common solvents per test.

And it does not harm the sample, so fish can be safely symbicort pills online sold and eaten after testing. The MasSpec Pen will enter a commercial market that already has reliable (if slower and costlier) techniques, including DNA testing. Any new technology like this will initially lack the robust public data repository needed to make it accessible and verifiable, notes Katie Longo, a senior scientist at MSC. Still, Gatmaitan says symbicort pills online that several government labs have expressed interest in using the pen to test food, and the U.T. Austin researchers are working to make it more field-friendly.

Fish testing labs can connect the pen to their own mass spectrometer equipment—but Gatmaitan and her colleagues also want it to be connectable to existing portable machines so it can function in various locations. They are currently building symbicort pills online up their database of fish species’ chemical profiles so they can test mixed samples or pinpoint where in the world a fish was caught. €œAtlantic salmon and sockeye salmon are very easily substituted for each other because they look identical, but their habitat is different,” Gatmaitan says. €œWe hope to get even more specific than that—maybe even determine which fishery they came from.”.

Symbicort samples

When we symbicort samples took the editorship of Evidence-Based Mental Health (EBMH) at the end of 2013, we set two main objectives. To promote and embed an evidence-based medicine (EBM) approach into daily mental health symbicort samples clinical practice, and to get an impact factor (IF) for EBMH. Both aims have been big challenges and we have learnt a lot.EBM symbicort samples has been around for about 30 years now, shaping and changing the way we practice medicine. When Guyatt and colleagues published their seminal paper in 1992,1 EBM was described as the combination of three intersecting domains. The best available evidence, the clinical state and circumstances, and symbicort samples patient’s preferences and values.

EBM and EBMH have since continuously evolved to deepen our understanding of these three domains.The best available evidenceWe keep complaining about the poor quality of studies in mental health symbicort samples. To properly assess the effects of interventions and devices before and after regulatory approval, we all know that randomised controlled trials are the best study design.2 3 However, real-world data are crucial to shed light on key clinical questions,4 especially when adverse events5 or prognostic factors6 are investigated. It necessarily …IntroductionQuality-adjusted life years (QALYs) have been increasingly used in general medicine and in psychiatry to evaluate the impact of a disease on both the quantity and quality of life.1 One QALY is equal symbicort samples to 1 year in perfect health, can range down to zero (death) or may take negative values (worse than death). QALYs can be used to compare the burdens of various diseases, to appreciate the impact of their interventions, to help set priorities in resource allocations across different diseases and interventions and to inform personal decisions.The representative method to evaluate QALYs is the generic, preference-based measure of health including the Euro-Qol five dimensions (EQ-5D)2 3 and the SF-6D based on Short Form Survey-36 (SF-36).4 5 Of these, the EQ-5D is the most frequently used and is the preferred instrument by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence in symbicort samples the UK. While the responsiveness of such generic measures to various mental conditions, especially severe mental illnesses, has been questioned,6 its validity and responsiveness to common mental disorders including depression and anxiety have been generally established.7 8However, the traditional symbicort samples focus of measurements in mental health has centred mainly on symptoms.

Many trials have, therefore, not administered the generic health-related quality of life measures. This has hindered comparison of impacts of mental disorders vis-à-vis other medical conditions on the symbicort samples one hand and also evaluation of values of their interventions on the other.9 10We have been collecting individual participant-level data from randomised controlled trials of internet cognitive-behavioural therapies (iCBT) for depression,11 several of which administered both symptomatologic scales and generic health status scales simultaneously. This study, therefore, attempts to link the depression-specific measure onto the generic measure of health in order to enable estimation of QALYs for depressive states and symbicort samples their changes. Such cross-walking should facilitate assessment of burden of depression at its various severity and of the impacts of its various treatments.MethodsDatabaseWe have been accumulating a data set of individual participant data of randomised controlled trials of iCBT among adults with depressive symptoms, as established by specified cut-offs on self-report scales or by diagnostic interviews.11 For this study, we have selected studies that have administered the EQ-5D and depression severity scales at baseline and at end of treatment. We excluded patients if they had missing data symbicort samples in either of the two scales at baseline or at endpoint.

We excluded studies that focused on patients with general medical disorders (eg, diabetes, glioma) and depressive symptoms.MeasuresEQ-5D-3LThe EQ-5D-3L comprises five dimensions of mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression, each rated on three levels corresponding symbicort samples with 1=no problems, 2=some/moderate problems or 3=extreme problems/unable to do. This produces 3ˆ5=243 different health states, ranging from no problem at all in symbicort samples any dimension (11111) to severe problems on all dimensions (33333). Each of these 243 states is provided with a preference-based score, as determined through the time trade-off (TTO) technique in a sample of the general population. In TTO, respondents are asked to give the relative length of time in full health that they would be willing to sacrifice for the poor health states symbicort samples as represented by each of the 243 combinations above. The EQ-5D symbicort samples scores range between 1=full health and 0=death to minus values=worse than death bounded by −1.

The scoring algorithm for the UK is based on TTO responses of a random sample (n=2997) of noninstitutionalised adults. Over the years, value sets for EQ-5D-3L have been produced for many countries/regions.2 3 7Depression severity scalesWe included any symbicort samples validated depression severity measures. The scale scores were converted into the most frequently used scale, namely, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9),12 using the established conversion algorithms13 14 for the Beck Depression Inventory, second edition (BDI-II)15 or the symbicort samples Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D).16The PHQ-9 consists of the nine diagnostic criteria items of major depression from the DSM-IV, each rated on a scale between 0 and 3, making the total score range 0–27. The instrument has demonstrated excellent reliability, validity and responsiveness. The cut-offs have been proposed as 0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19 and 20- for no, mild, moderate, symbicort samples moderately severe and severe depression, respectively.12Statistical analysesWe first calculated Spearman correlation coefficients between PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline, at end of treatment and their changes, to establish if the linking is justified.

Correlations were considered weak if scores were <0.3, moderate if scores were ≥0.3 and<0.7 and strong if scores were ≥0.7.17 Correlations ≥0.3 have been recommended to establish linking.18 We then applied the equipercentile linking procedure,19 which identified scores on PHQ-9 and EQ-5D or their changes with the same percentile ranks and allows for a nominal translation from PHQ-9 to EQ-5D by symbicort samples using their percentile values. This approach has been used successfully for scales in depression, schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease.14 20–22 We analysed all trials collectively rather than by trial to maximise the sample size, ensure variability in the included populations and attain robust estimates.We conducted a sensitivity analysis by excluding studies that require the conversion of various depression severity scores into PHQ-9.All the analyses were conducted in R V.4.0.2, with the package equate V. statementThe authors symbicort samples assert that all procedures contributing to this work comply with the ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. Ethical approval was not required for this study as it used only deidentified patient data.FindingsIncluded studiesWe identified seven RCTs of iCBT (total n=2457), which administered validated depression scales and EQ-5D both at baseline and at endpoint (online supplemental eTable 1). Three studies included only patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), one symbicort samples only patients with subthreshold depression and the remaining three included both. All the studies administered EQ-5D-3L symbicort samples.

PHQ-9 scores were converted from the BDI-II in three studies24–26 and from the CES-D in one study.27 The mean age of the participants was 41.8 (SD=12.3) years, 66.0% (1622/2457) were women and they scored 14.0 (5.4) on PHQ-9 and 0.74 (0.20) on EQ-5D at baseline and 9.1 (6.0) and 0.79 (0.21), respectively, at endpoint. When using the standard cut-offs of the PHQ-9,12 2.4% (60/2449) suffered from no depression (PHQ-9 symbicort samples scores <5), 20.2% (492/2449) from subthreshold depression (5≤PHQ-9 scores <10), 33.5% (820/2449) from mild depression (10≤PHQ-9 scores <15), 26.5% (649/2449) from moderate depression (15≤PHQ-9 scores <20) and 17.3% (424/2449) from severe depression (20≤PHQ-9 scores) at baseline.Supplemental materialEquipercentile linkingSpearman’s correlation coefficient between the PHQ-9 and the EQ-5D scores was r=−0.29 at baseline, increased to r=−0.50 after intervention and was r=−0.38 for change scores.Figure 1 shows the equipercentile linking between PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline and at endpoint. Figure 2 symbicort samples shows the same between their change scores. Table 1 summarises the correspondences between the two scales.PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total symbicort samples scores at baseline and endpoint. EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five Dimensions.

PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 1 PHQ-9 symbicort samples and EQ-5D total scores at baseline and endpoint. EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five Dimensions symbicort samples. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9.PHQ-9 change scores and EQ-5D change scores. EQ-5D, Euro-Qol Five symbicort samples Dimensions. PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9." data-icon-position symbicort samples data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 2 PHQ-9 change scores and EQ-5D change scores.

EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five symbicort samples Dimensions. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9.View this table:Table 1 Conversion table from PHQ-9 to EQ-5D total and change scoresSensitivity analysisWhen we limited the samples to the three studies28–30 that administered PHQ-9 (total n=1375), the linking results were replicated (online supplemental eFigure 1).DiscussionThis is the first study to link a depression severity measure with the EQ-5D-3L both for total and change scores. To summarise, subthreshold depression corresponded with EQ-5D-3L index values of 0.9–0.8, mild major depression with 0.8–0.7, moderate symbicort samples depression with 0.7–0.5 and severe depression with 0.6–0.0. A five-point improvement in PHQ-9 corresponded approximately with an increase in EQ-5D-3L index values by 0.03, and a ten-point improvement can lead to an increase by approximately 0.25.A systematic review of utility values for depression31 found that the pooled mean (SD) utilities based on studies using the standard gamble as a direct symbicort samples valuation method were 0.69 (0.14) for mild, 0.52 (0.28) for moderate and 0.27 (0.26) for severe major depression. The estimates based on studies using EQ-5D as an indirect valuation method were 0.56 (0.16) for mild, 0.52 (0.28) for moderate and 0.25 (0.15) for severe depression.

One recent study regressed PHQ-9 on SF-6D scores among 394 patients in theimproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) cohort7 32 and estimated none/mild depression on PHQ-9 to be worth 0.73 SF-6D scores, moderate depression symbicort samples 0.65 and severe depression 0.56. Our results are largely in line with these aforementioned studies.There was a consistent difference of about 0.07 EQ-5D symbicort samples scores for the same PHQ-9 score if it represented the baseline or endpoint measurements (figure 1). This is understandable because a patient would rate their health status less satisfactory if they stayed equally symptomatic as before after the treatment and also because it means that they continued to suffer from depression for longer. It is, therefore, reasonable to use the conversion table at baseline for relatively new cases of depression and that at end of treatment for more chronic symbicort samples cases (table 1).An effect size to be typically expected after 2 months of antidepressant pharmacotherapy33 or psychotherapy27 34 over the pill placebo condition is 0.3. Given that the average SD of PHQ-9 in the studies was about symbicort samples 6, an effect size of 0.3 corresponds to a difference by two points on PHQ-9.

The differences in EQ-5D scores corresponding with the end-of-treatment PHQ-9 scores of x versus x+2, where symbicort samples x is between 5 and 15 (table 1), ranges between 0.08 and 0.13, producing an approximate average of 0.1 EQ-5D scores. If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY. If we assume that the difference would eventually wear out over the course of the year due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the control group, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.05 symbicort samples QALY. (See figure 3 for symbicort samples a schematic drawing to help understand the calculation of QALYs based on changing EQ-5D scores. In reality, the changes will be more smoothly curvilinear but the calculation will be similar.) Since one QALY is typically valuated at US$50 000 or 3000 Stirling pounds,35 such therapies would be cost-effective if they cost US$2500 to US$4500 (150 to 270 pounds) or less.

If a 1 day fill of generic selective serotonergic reuptake inhibitor antidepressants costs 1–3 dollars and a 1-year prescription costs US$400–1200 dollars, or if 8–16 sessions of psychotherapy cost US$1600–3200 dollars, both therapies symbicort samples would be deemed largely cost-effective. An individual’s decision, by contrast, will and should be more variable and symbicort samples no one can categorically reject nor require such treatments for all patients.A schematic graph showing gains in QALY due to typical pharmacotherapies or psychotherapies. A patient may start symbicort samples with PHQ-9 of 20, corresponding with EQ-5D index value of 0.5. Then they may improve after 2 months of antidepressant therapy to EQ-5D score of 0.9 (solid line), while they may improve to EQ-5D score of 0.8 even if on placebo (dashed line). If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months while showing slow gradual improvement in both cases, the symbicort samples gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY.

If we assume that the difference would eventually wear out over the course of the year due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the control symbicort samples group, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.05 QALY. Please note that this is a schematic drawing for illustrative purposes. In reality, the changes symbicort samples will be more smoothly curvilinear but the calculation will be similar. EQ-5D, Euro-Qol symbicort samples Five Dimensions. PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 symbicort samples.

QALY, quality-adjusted life years." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 3 A schematic graph showing gains in QALY due to typical pharmacotherapies or psychotherapies. A patient may start with PHQ-9 symbicort samples of 20, corresponding with EQ-5D index value of 0.5. Then they may improve after 2 months of antidepressant therapy to EQ-5D score of 0.9 (solid line), while they symbicort samples may improve to EQ-5D score of 0.8 even if on placebo (dashed line). If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months while showing slow gradual improvement in both cases, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY. If we assume that the difference would eventually wear out over the course of the year due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the control group, the gain in QALY per year would be symbicort samples equal to 0.05 QALY.

Please note symbicort samples that this is a schematic drawing for illustrative purposes. In reality, the changes will be more smoothly curvilinear but the calculation will be similar. EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five symbicort samples Dimensions. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9 symbicort samples. QALY, quality-adjustedlife years.Several symbicort samples caveats should be considered when interpreting the results.

First, our sample was limited to participants of trials of iCBT. It may be argued that the symbicort samples results, therefore, would not apply to patients with depression undergoing other therapies or in other settings. Second, the correlations between PHQ-9 and EQ-5D were strong enough for total scores at endpoint and for change scores to justify symbicort samples linking but were somewhat weaker at baseline, probably due to limited variability in PHQ-9 scores at baseline because some studies required minimum depression scores. However, the overall correspondence between PHQ-9 scores and EQ-5D had the same shape between baseline and endpoint, which will increase credibility of the linking at baseline as well. Third, we were able to compare PHQ-9 symbicort samples to EQ-5D-3L only.

The EQ-5D-5L, which measures health in five levels instead of three, has been developed to be more sensitive to change and to milder conditions.36 When data become available, we will need to link PHQ-9 and EQ-5D-5L to examine if we can obtain similar conversion values.Our study also has several important strengths symbicort samples. First, our sample included patients symbicort samples with subthreshold depression and major depression and from the community or workplace and the primary care. Furthermore, they encompassed mild through severe major depression in approximately equal proportions. Second, all the patients in our sample received iCBT or control interventions including care as usual symbicort samples. Potential side effects of different antidepressants, repetitive brain stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy and other more aggressive therapies must of course be taken into consideration when evaluating their impacts, but symbicort samples our estimates, arguably independent of major side effects, can better inform such considerations.

Finaly, unlike any prior studies, we were able to link specific PHQ-9 scores and their changes scores to EQ-5D-3L index values.Conclusion and clinical implicationsIn conclusion, we constructed a conversion table linking the EQ-5D, the representative generic preference-based measure of health status, and the PHQ-9, one of the most popular depression severity rating scale, for both its total scores and change scores. The table will enable fine-grained assessment of burden of depression at its various levels of severity and of impacts of its various treatments which may bring various degrees of improvement at the expense of some potential side effects.Data availability symbicort samples statementData are available upon reasonable request. The overall database used for this IPD is restricted due to data sharing agreements with the symbicort samples research institutes where the studies were conducted. IPD from individual studies are available from the individual study authors.Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot required..

When we took the editorship symbicort pills online of Evidence-Based Mental Health (EBMH) at the end of 2013, we set two main objectives. To promote and embed an evidence-based medicine (EBM) approach symbicort pills online into daily mental health clinical practice, and to get an impact factor (IF) for EBMH. Both aims have been big challenges and we have learnt a lot.EBM has been around for about 30 years now, shaping and changing the way symbicort pills online we practice medicine. When Guyatt and colleagues published their seminal paper in 1992,1 EBM was described as the combination of three intersecting domains.

The best available evidence, the symbicort pills online clinical state and circumstances, and patient’s preferences and values. EBM and EBMH have since continuously evolved to deepen our understanding symbicort pills online of these three domains.The best available evidenceWe keep complaining about the poor quality of studies in mental health. To properly assess the effects of interventions and devices before and after regulatory approval, we all know that randomised controlled trials are the best study design.2 3 However, real-world data are crucial to shed light on key clinical questions,4 especially when adverse events5 or prognostic factors6 are investigated. It necessarily …IntroductionQuality-adjusted life years (QALYs) have been increasingly used in general medicine and in psychiatry to evaluate the impact of a disease on both the quantity and quality of life.1 One QALY is equal to 1 year in perfect health, can range down to zero (death) or may take negative values (worse symbicort pills online than death).

QALYs can be used to compare the burdens of various diseases, to appreciate the impact of their interventions, to help set priorities in resource allocations across different diseases and interventions and to inform personal decisions.The representative method to evaluate QALYs is the generic, preference-based measure of health including symbicort pills online the Euro-Qol five dimensions (EQ-5D)2 3 and the SF-6D based on Short Form Survey-36 (SF-36).4 5 Of these, the EQ-5D is the most frequently used and is the preferred instrument by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence in the UK. While the responsiveness of such generic measures to various mental symbicort pills online conditions, especially severe mental illnesses, has been questioned,6 its validity and responsiveness to common mental disorders including depression and anxiety have been generally established.7 8However, the traditional focus of measurements in mental health has centred mainly on symptoms. Many trials have, therefore, not administered the generic health-related quality of life measures. This has symbicort pills online hindered comparison of impacts of mental disorders vis-à-vis other medical conditions on the one hand and also evaluation of values of their interventions on the other.9 10We have been collecting individual participant-level data from randomised controlled trials of internet cognitive-behavioural therapies (iCBT) for depression,11 several of which administered both symptomatologic scales and generic health status scales simultaneously.

This study, therefore, attempts to link the depression-specific measure onto the generic measure of health in symbicort pills online order to enable estimation of QALYs for depressive states and their changes. Such cross-walking should facilitate assessment of burden of depression at its various severity and of the impacts of its various treatments.MethodsDatabaseWe have been accumulating a data set of individual participant data of randomised controlled trials of iCBT among adults with depressive symptoms, as established by specified cut-offs on self-report scales or by diagnostic interviews.11 For this study, we have selected studies that have administered the EQ-5D and depression severity scales at baseline and at end of treatment. We excluded patients if they had missing data in either of symbicort pills online the two scales at baseline or at endpoint. We excluded studies that focused on patients with general medical disorders (eg, diabetes, glioma) and symbicort pills online depressive symptoms.MeasuresEQ-5D-3LThe EQ-5D-3L comprises five dimensions of mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression, each rated on three levels corresponding with 1=no problems, 2=some/moderate problems or 3=extreme problems/unable to do.

This produces 3ˆ5=243 different health states, ranging from no problem at all in any dimension symbicort pills online (11111) to severe problems on all dimensions (33333). Each of these 243 states is provided with a preference-based score, as determined through the time trade-off (TTO) technique in a sample of the general population. In TTO, respondents symbicort pills online are asked to give the relative length of time in full health that they would be willing to sacrifice for the poor health states as represented by each of the 243 combinations above. The EQ-5D scores range between 1=full symbicort pills online health and 0=death to minus values=worse than death bounded by −1.

The scoring algorithm for the UK is based on TTO responses of a random sample (n=2997) of noninstitutionalised adults. Over the years, value sets symbicort pills online for EQ-5D-3L have been produced for many countries/regions.2 3 7Depression severity scalesWe included any validated depression severity measures. The scale scores were converted into the most frequently used scale, namely, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9),12 using the established conversion algorithms13 14 for the Beck Depression Inventory, second edition (BDI-II)15 or the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression symbicort pills online Scale (CES-D).16The PHQ-9 consists of the nine diagnostic criteria items of major depression from the DSM-IV, each rated on a scale between 0 and 3, making the total score range 0–27. The instrument has demonstrated excellent reliability, validity and responsiveness.

The cut-offs symbicort pills online have been proposed as 0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19 and 20- for no, mild, moderate, moderately severe and severe depression, respectively.12Statistical analysesWe first calculated Spearman correlation coefficients between PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline, at end of treatment and their changes, to establish if the linking is justified. Correlations were considered weak if scores were <0.3, moderate if scores were ≥0.3 and<0.7 and strong if scores symbicort pills online were ≥0.7.17 Correlations ≥0.3 have been recommended to establish linking.18 We then applied the equipercentile linking procedure,19 which identified scores on PHQ-9 and EQ-5D or their changes with the same percentile ranks and allows for a nominal translation from PHQ-9 to EQ-5D by using their percentile values. This approach has been used successfully for scales in depression, schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease.14 20–22 We analysed all trials collectively rather than by trial to maximise the sample size, ensure variability in the included populations and attain robust estimates.We conducted a sensitivity analysis by excluding studies that require the conversion of various depression severity scores into PHQ-9.All the analyses were conducted in R V.4.0.2, with the package equate V. statementThe authors assert symbicort pills online that all procedures contributing to this work comply with the ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. Ethical approval was not required for this study as it used only deidentified patient data.FindingsIncluded studiesWe identified seven RCTs of iCBT (total n=2457), which administered validated depression scales and EQ-5D both at baseline and at endpoint (online supplemental eTable 1).

Three studies included only patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), one only patients with subthreshold depression and the remaining three symbicort pills online included both. All the studies symbicort pills online administered EQ-5D-3L. PHQ-9 scores were converted from the BDI-II in three studies24–26 and from the CES-D in one study.27 The mean age of the participants was 41.8 (SD=12.3) years, 66.0% (1622/2457) were women and they scored 14.0 (5.4) on PHQ-9 and 0.74 (0.20) on EQ-5D at baseline and 9.1 (6.0) and 0.79 (0.21), respectively, at endpoint. When using the standard cut-offs of the PHQ-9,12 2.4% (60/2449) suffered from no depression (PHQ-9 scores <5), 20.2% (492/2449) from subthreshold depression (5≤PHQ-9 scores <10), 33.5% (820/2449) from mild depression (10≤PHQ-9 scores <15), 26.5% (649/2449) from moderate depression (15≤PHQ-9 scores <20) and 17.3% (424/2449) from symbicort pills online severe depression (20≤PHQ-9 scores) at baseline.Supplemental materialEquipercentile linkingSpearman’s correlation coefficient between the PHQ-9 and the EQ-5D scores was r=−0.29 at baseline, increased to r=−0.50 after intervention and was r=−0.38 for change scores.Figure 1 shows the equipercentile linking between PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline and at endpoint.

Figure 2 shows the same between their change symbicort pills online scores. Table 1 symbicort pills online summarises the correspondences between the two scales.PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline and endpoint. EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five Dimensions. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure symbicort pills online 1 PHQ-9 and EQ-5D total scores at baseline and endpoint.

EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five symbicort pills online Dimensions. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9.PHQ-9 change scores and EQ-5D change scores. EQ-5D, Euro-Qol Five symbicort pills online Dimensions. PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure symbicort pills online 2 PHQ-9 change scores and EQ-5D change scores.

EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five Dimensions symbicort pills online. PHQ-9, PatientHealth Questionnaire-9.View this table:Table 1 Conversion table from PHQ-9 to EQ-5D total and change scoresSensitivity analysisWhen we limited the samples to the three studies28–30 that administered PHQ-9 (total n=1375), the linking results were replicated (online supplemental eFigure 1).DiscussionThis is the first study to link a depression severity measure with the EQ-5D-3L both for total and change scores. To summarise, subthreshold depression corresponded with EQ-5D-3L index values of 0.9–0.8, mild major depression with 0.8–0.7, moderate depression with 0.7–0.5 and severe depression symbicort pills online with 0.6–0.0. A five-point symbicort pills online improvement in PHQ-9 corresponded approximately with an increase in EQ-5D-3L index values by 0.03, and a ten-point improvement can lead to an increase by approximately 0.25.A systematic review of utility values for depression31 found that the pooled mean (SD) utilities based on studies using the standard gamble as a direct valuation method were 0.69 (0.14) for mild, 0.52 (0.28) for moderate and 0.27 (0.26) for severe major depression.

The estimates based on studies using EQ-5D as an indirect valuation method were 0.56 (0.16) for mild, 0.52 (0.28) for moderate and 0.25 (0.15) for severe depression One recent study regressed PHQ-9 on SF-6D scores among 394 patients in theimproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) cohort7 32 symbicort pills online and estimated none/mild depression on PHQ-9 to be worth 0.73 SF-6D scores, moderate depression 0.65 and severe depression 0.56. Our results are largely in line with these aforementioned studies.There was a consistent difference of about 0.07 EQ-5D symbicort pills online scores for the same PHQ-9 score if it represented the baseline or endpoint measurements (figure 1). This is understandable because a patient would rate their health status less satisfactory if they stayed equally symptomatic as before after the treatment and also because it means that they continued to suffer from depression for longer.

It is, therefore, reasonable symbicort pills online to use the conversion table at baseline for relatively new cases of depression and that at end of treatment for more chronic cases (table 1).An effect size to be typically expected after 2 months of antidepressant pharmacotherapy33 or psychotherapy27 34 over the pill placebo condition is 0.3. Given that the average SD of PHQ-9 in the studies was about symbicort pills online 6, an effect size of 0.3 corresponds to a difference by two points on PHQ-9. The differences in EQ-5D scores corresponding with the end-of-treatment PHQ-9 scores of x symbicort pills online versus x+2, where x is between 5 and 15 (table 1), ranges between 0.08 and 0.13, producing an approximate average of 0.1 EQ-5D scores. If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY.

If we assume that the difference would eventually wear out over the course of the year symbicort pills online due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the control group, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.05 QALY. (See figure 3 for a schematic drawing symbicort pills online to help understand the calculation of QALYs based on changing EQ-5D scores. In reality, the changes will be more smoothly curvilinear but the calculation will be similar.) Since one QALY is typically valuated at US$50 000 or 3000 Stirling pounds,35 such therapies would be cost-effective if they cost US$2500 to US$4500 (150 to 270 pounds) or less. If a 1 day fill of generic selective serotonergic reuptake inhibitor antidepressants costs 1–3 dollars and a 1-year prescription costs symbicort pills online US$400–1200 dollars, or if 8–16 sessions of psychotherapy cost US$1600–3200 dollars, both therapies would be deemed largely cost-effective.

An individual’s decision, by contrast, will and should be more variable and no one can categorically reject nor require such treatments for symbicort pills online all patients.A schematic graph showing gains in QALY due to typical pharmacotherapies or psychotherapies. A patient may start with symbicort pills online PHQ-9 of 20, corresponding with EQ-5D index value of 0.5. Then they may improve after 2 months of antidepressant therapy to EQ-5D score of 0.9 (solid line), while they may improve to EQ-5D score of 0.8 even if on placebo (dashed line). If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months symbicort pills online while showing slow gradual improvement in both cases, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY.

If we assume that the difference symbicort pills online would eventually wear out over the course of the year due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the control group, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.05 QALY. Please note that this is a schematic drawing for illustrative purposes. In reality, the changes will be more smoothly curvilinear symbicort pills online but the calculation will be similar. EQ-5D, Euro-Qol Five symbicort pills online Dimensions.

PHQ-9, Patient symbicort pills online Health Questionnaire-9. QALY, quality-adjusted life years." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 3 A schematic graph showing gains in QALY due to typical pharmacotherapies or psychotherapies. A patient may start with PHQ-9 of 20, corresponding with EQ-5D index value symbicort pills online of 0.5. Then they may improve after 2 months of antidepressant symbicort pills online therapy to EQ-5D score of 0.9 (solid line), while they may improve to EQ-5D score of 0.8 even if on placebo (dashed line).

If we assume that the same difference would continue for the ensuing 10 months while showing slow gradual improvement in both cases, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.09 QALY. If we assume that the difference would eventually wear out over the course of the year due to naturalistic improvements to be expected in the symbicort pills online control group, the gain in QALY per year would be equal to 0.05 QALY. Please note that this is a symbicort pills online schematic drawing for illustrative purposes. In reality, the changes will be more smoothly curvilinear but the calculation will be similar.

EQ-5D,Euro-Qol Five symbicort pills online Dimensions. PHQ-9, PatientHealth symbicort pills online Questionnaire-9. QALY, quality-adjustedlife symbicort pills online years.Several caveats should be considered when interpreting the results. First, our sample was limited to participants of trials of iCBT.

It may symbicort pills online be argued that the results, therefore, would not apply to patients with depression undergoing other therapies or in other settings. Second, the correlations between PHQ-9 and symbicort pills online EQ-5D were strong enough for total scores at endpoint and for change scores to justify linking but were somewhat weaker at baseline, probably due to limited variability in PHQ-9 scores at baseline because some studies required minimum depression scores. However, the overall correspondence between PHQ-9 scores and EQ-5D had the same shape between baseline and endpoint, which will increase credibility of the linking at baseline as well. Third, we were able symbicort pills online to compare PHQ-9 to EQ-5D-3L only.

The EQ-5D-5L, which measures health in five levels instead of three, has been developed to symbicort pills online be more sensitive to change and to milder conditions.36 When data become available, we will need to link PHQ-9 and EQ-5D-5L to examine if we can obtain similar conversion values.Our study also has several important strengths. First, our sample included patients with subthreshold depression and major depression and from the community symbicort pills online or workplace and the primary care. Furthermore, they encompassed mild through severe major depression in approximately equal proportions. Second, all the patients in our sample received iCBT or control interventions symbicort pills online including care as usual.

Potential side effects of different antidepressants, repetitive brain stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy and other more aggressive therapies must of course be taken into consideration when evaluating their impacts, but our estimates, arguably independent of major side effects, can better inform such symbicort pills online considerations. Finaly, unlike any prior studies, we were able to link specific PHQ-9 scores and their changes scores to EQ-5D-3L index values.Conclusion and clinical implicationsIn conclusion, we constructed a conversion table linking the EQ-5D, the representative generic preference-based measure of health status, and the PHQ-9, one of the most popular depression severity rating scale, for both its total scores and change scores. The table will enable fine-grained assessment of burden of depression at its various levels of severity and of impacts of its various treatments which may bring various degrees symbicort pills online of improvement at the expense of some potential side effects.Data availability statementData are available upon reasonable request. The overall database used for this IPD is restricted due to data sharing agreements with the research institutes symbicort pills online where the studies were conducted.

IPD from individual studies are available from the individual study authors.Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot required..


Standard dimensioner og legeringer
Teoretisk vægt for standard dimensioner kg/m

D x d mm

JM 1-15 Rødgods

JM 3-15

JM 5-15

JM 7-15/20 Aluminiumbronze





EXT 0,6





EXT 1,0





EXT 1,5





EXT 2,2





EXT 2,6





EXT 3,2





EXT 4,0















EXT 4,7















EXT 5,7















EXT 6,5




















EXT 7,7




















EXT 9,1















EXT 10,0













































EXT 12,6












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EXT 197.8






























EXT 220.1







































































































































































































































































































Firkant stænger
Standard dimensioner og legeringer
Standardlængder: 500, 1000, 2000 mm

A x B mm

JM 1-15 Rødgods

JM 3-15


JM 7-15/20 Aluminiumbronze





















































































































































































































































Sekskant stænger
Standard dimensioner og legeringer
Standardlængder: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 mm. Sekskantstænger m/ hul fremstilles på bestilling

NV mm

JM 1-15 Rødgods






















































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