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2.1 Start new page


New pages must be started in a file or on a page already in existence. The list of files and pages can be seen in the page tree.


You choose the file or page in the page tree where you want to place the new page. This is done by clicking on the file or page, which will then turn light grey.


This opens the form seen beneath on the screens right side:



Click on:


You may also use:

Which is located on the button line in the forms top right corner under the text path:/.


The list beneath will open:




The file or existing page chosen in the last step will be marked by bold types. By clicking  on one of the little grey arrows between the existing documents, you may choose the position of the new page.


The form for entering the new page´s main information will be shown.


The main information is Title of page, Type, Hide page, Start/Stop and admission placed in the page header: