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3.13 Delete or hide element of contents

Elements of contents may be removed from a page, either by deleting or hiding them. If deleted they will disappear completely. If hidden they will only be hidden from those entering the site and you will be able to make them visible again.

Please open the page as described in section 3.1

Click on one of the buttons in the row of buttons above the element to be removed or hidden.

The waste bin icon is used to delete the element completely, while the eye with the red line is used for hiding the element. For those working on the page to be able to see the hidden elements on the list Show hidden elements at the bottom of the list must be checked.

When an element of contents is hidden the red line across the eye will disappear.

The page can be made visible again by clicking the eye .

You may also hide the element by editing it as described in the section Edit existing elements of contents checking the square Hide in the section General choices.