
User login

Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website:

Forgot your password?

2.4 Start and stop


If the procedure from section 2.1 has been followed you will see the main page form in front of you. Click Access tab to see page access properties: 


Click to enlarge


Start and stop gives you the possibility to indicate for just how long the page should be visible. If the page announces for instance a meeting you can be sure that the page will not be visible after the meeting has been held by writing the date in Stop.


In the Start and Stop section General choices the start and stop dates for the page’s visibility are entered.


For the dates to be valid the 2 fields to the left of the dates must be checked. When removed the dates will disappear. 


When no period has been chosen the page will be visible for as long as the Hide page has not been checked.